15 reviews

    Halo Holistic Dry Dog Food - Chicken & Brown Rice

    Pet Supplies ·


    DESCRIPTION Boost your dog's digestive health with Halo Holistic Cage-free Chicken and Brown Rice Recipe, a dry dog food formulated with high-quality ingredients for digestive health. Your pet's health starts in their gut, and our holistic dog food is made with high-quality ingredients that optimize their overall well-being. We start with real, cage-free, certified chicken as the first ingredient. Our super premium dog food uses only real, whole meat, poultry or fish, and no meat meal at all, for a rich flavor that your pet will love. Plus, as a digestive dog food, it includes prebiotics and probiotics for dogs, plus postbiotics to support every stage of digestion. Our natural dog food dry formula has added vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Each recipe supports healthy skin and coat for dogs with no corn, wheat or soy or artificial preservatives. No gimmicks, no phony claims. Just incredible pet food. That's Halo Holistic chicken and rice dog food. Key Benefits: Halo Holistic Cage-free Chicken and Brown Rice Recipe dog food is made with real, whole chicken as the first ingredient and no meat meals of any kind. Smaller kibble formulated with higher protein for small breeds and optimal balance of omega fatty acids for a healthy skin and shiny coat This dry dog kibble is cooked with high quality ingredients for optimal nutrition and digestive support Complete digestive health: Prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics provide digestive care and immune support for dogs to increase overall health This Halo Holistic dog food is made with GAP certified cage-free chicken, raised without antibiotics, non-GMO ingredients, no unnecessary ingredients like corn, wheat or soy, and absolutely no artificial flavors, preservatives or colors. Item Number: 5340338 Brand: Halo Holistic Food Type: Kibble Breed Size: All Life Stage: Adult Nutritional Option: Holistic, Natural, Organic, Non-GMO, No Wheat, No Soy, No Corn, No Artificial Preservatives Health Consideration: Digestive Care Flavor: Chicken, Brown Rice Weight: 3.5 lb

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