Kids Tricycle - Radio Flyer 4 in 1 stroll n trike with ride along platform Hoping to send this expandable kids tricycle to a good home. So many great features on this little bike! - Expandable design allows for kids to enjoy it throughout their lifetime, starting at 9 months up to 5 years old (See pictures for how it expands) - Comes with expandable canopy, cup holder, adjustable seat, wrap around safety tray, lockable wheels and harness - Parent push handle is great for guiding your little one and can be removed once they are ready to bike on their own - The ride on platform is great for a sibling or friend to ride along as well - Deluxe models without the ride along platform retail for over $200 new Can deliver within hamilton for an extra $10. Check out my other listings!
- ConditionGood
- Age0-5 years