The bag is black, with a blush print. I purchased this bag from an older woman about two years ago. I’ve never used it, out of fear of damaging it. It’s lived in its dust bag. I believe it is authentic, as she told me it was, and was a gift from her ex husband. I don’t know for sure of course, and it does come with the dust bag, but no paperwork. I’ve made the price reasonable in the off case that it isn’t real. I have looked at every image I can, and cannot find anything that stands out as a fake. I paid 600 for the bag at the time. But, it is Christmas, and there may be someone desperate for a gift for a woman, or young woman, who will use it more than I ever will, and might be tight for cash this year. I hope someone finds it who will love it as much as I have.
- ConditionLike new
- SizeMedium Sized Handbag
- BrandLuis Vuitton