smarTrike Toddler Tricycle grows with your little one from 15 months to over 36 months Ages 15 to 24 months, trike helps develop balance and motor skills while encouraging curiosity and discovery Ages 24 to 30 months, the child can engage pedals; use the control button so your little one can cycle and steer Ages 30 to 36 months, remove the parent push/pull handle so your little boy or girl can ride the trike independently Push handle allows parents to guide the trike using effortless Touch Steering technology Includes a safety bar, adjustable 3-point harness, and shock absorber to protect your little one Minimum weight: 9.90 pounds Maximum weight: 37 pounds Color: Breeze Blue Dimensions (L x W x H): 38.2 x 17.70 x 39.97 inches Weight: 12.45 pounds Manufacturer warranty: 2-year limited warranty
- ConditionLike new
- Age1-5 years