⭐️REDUCED PRICE⭐️ ⭐️1898, F. Kroeber Clock Co. antique French-style mantel clock⭐️ ⭐️In excellent working condition and has beautiful rich toned chimes at the hour and 1/2 hour⭐️ ⭐️This antique Kroeber clock has a pendulum; 8 day gong strike with Eclipse movement. In an Eclipse movement, the pendulum remains attached, as it was set up so that the clock could be transported without damage to pendulum or movement. Kroeber devised a method to move the clock without having to remove the pendulum. The carriage clock was invented to allow telling time while mobile, and clock makers worked to adapt this portability in other ways. “KROEBER”was recognized as expensive. Like many clock makers of the era, Kroeber assembled clocks. He did design cases and patented some finishes, modified movements which he then outsourced. Beautiful Antique clock….. would be a beautiful Holiday gift ⭐️HEIGHT....18.5 inches ⭐️WIDTH AT WIDEST.....9.5 inches ⭐️DEPTH.....5.75 inches Belonged to my Grandfather who had it completely restored. ⭐️Definitely would be a stunning addition to your home⭐️ ⭐️High Park,Keele and Bloor. $1250 Firm last JUST REDUCED price Condition: Like new
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