I am selling a 2002 E46 BMW 325Xi. I have already sold a couple of parts which I will list below in more detail. This car would mostly be good for anyone wanting to part it out , possibly repairable but that would be up for you to decide. I have pulled out a good chunk of the interior out , so this would be mainly for mechanical components. With that being said I haven’t sold much, if any of the interior yet, and will throw it in with the sale at an adjusted price if requested. I will post what I have pulled out from the interior as well. The car still runs to an extent , as I shall also list what is wrong with it. It is a manual transmission and AWD, so these components alone are worth a pretty penny along with the motor. It has 177,000 KM to date. Sold/No longer available Muffler Stock Radio Stock Hood/Trunk/Steering Wheel BMW logos(comes with the black ones seen in pics) The Style 45 BMW rims that came with the car from factory Pulled from interior but still on hand Headlight Switch Instrument Cluster(177,000KM) Air Vents Sunroof Motor Front middle reading lights Cigarette Lighter/Ash Tray/With Heated Seat buttons Shifter trim silver/Window Switches Cup Holders/Arm Rest with rear Ash Tray(Black) I have the interior parts posted up for sale for anyone that may be interested. Currently to my knowledge, some of the problems are as follows. Aside from the rust spots as seen in the pictures, The drivers side front spring from the suspension is out of place from the top mounting holding plate, with that being said it is still repairable and functional, you would just require a spring compressor, and pop it back into place. The drivers side CV boots are torn and the shaft from the transfer case to the wheel may need to be replaced as well. I used to have the car lowered on coil overs which is what creates this common problem with the CV boots and shafts due to the increased strain from being lowered. I’m not sure if it’s from my brakes being seized from being stopped for so long or if it’s another CV boot torn in the rear, but I hear a clunk when reversing, it seems to come from the rear passenger side wheel. In terms of the motor she still runs, and sounds solid but may need gasket replacement as they may be dried up as well from also being stopped for so long. Ultimately to put her back on the road would be possible, but probably more convenient as a parts car. The fenders are also cut and rolled as I was running 19” 7 series rims at one point, and needed this to avoid rubbing. The last time I checked with my OBD 2 reader I got a code for the MAF sensor , but never got around to figuring out what was causing it, along with an O2 sensor read out which I believe was due to my cat back exhaust. None the less the car always ran with no problems. For any other questions, don’t hesitate to shoot me a message.