Hello, Things in Canada didn't go quite the way we wanted to. And we had to take the decision to return to our country. We want to transfer the lease of our vehicle, which we leased with great enthusiasm. The vehicle is Mitsubishi Outlander LE 4D Utulity, I think it is not necessary to write the features of the vehicle one by one. In summary: Vehicle Color : Diamond Red Vehicle Odometer : 4050 km Fuel Type: Gas Monthly Lease Fee of the vehicle: 688 CAD Annual KM limit of the vehicle: 16000 km Lease Term :24 months (7 months partially paid, 17 months are due) *5th month routine maintenance of the vehicle has been done. I made a downpayment of 4000 CAD when I bought the car. I do not demand any payment from the prospective buyer, I just want to transfer the lease. I do not have any date restrictions, I can transfer the lease as soon as requested. End of the lease term , if you wish to buy it . Residual amount is. : 31152 CAD For more detailed information please send me a DM