Tank is in good condition, only used for 4 months. Includes: 1. Tetra Submersible Tank Heater - 50 W, automatically maintains water temperature st 78 degrees 2. Aquarium decor - Log, 2 Artificial Plants, Rock Swim-Thru ornament 3. Various filters - Aqua Clear Activated Carbon, Aquar Clear Foam, Aqua Clear Biomax, Fluval Ammonia Remover, Fluval Nitrate Remover, Fluval Quick Clear, Fluval Phosphate Remover. Used the above filters then the basic filters as it keeps the water cleaner longer, you can cut the filters in half to fit in the filter of the Aquarium 4. Aquarium Salt 5. 2 mesh nets 6. Gravel Vaccuum 7. Thermometer