Hi everyone! Did you guys enjoy the snow yesterday? It's getting close to the end of April but it sure seems like the weather is still stuck in February 🥶. For the month of April The Karrot Team is happy to introduce a special edition for this month’s Freecycle event. Mother’s Day is coming up and we want to help support Single Moms in your community 🌸. NeighbourLink North York, a local North York charity, is running an initiative where you can help sponsor a Basket of Encouragement for single moms on Mother’s Day. Baskets will include items such as grocery gift cards, necessities, pampering items, and more for families in need. You can read more about the great work they’re doing here: https://www.neighbourlink.org/mothersday How YOU can Help ✔︎ List free items with #freecycle in the title! ✔︎ Share why you're giving away and the new owner will appreciate it more. ✔︎ Share this event and get your neighbours to join in. OUR Promise 🥕 Karrot will donate $1 for every listing made to help NeighbourLink North York build Baskets of Encouragement for Single Moms on Mother's Day 🥕 All #freecycle postings made between April 19 - April 28 will be counted 🥕 The more you post the more we donate! Help us raise $600 over the next 10 days to support 15 families with a Basket of Encouragement 🌷 Total donation amount will be announced in-app on April 29th. Baskets will be delivered to the families by May 7th. Leave a comment below to show your support and let us know if you’ve participated! Let’s get posting and help support as many families as we can ❤️.