Will be giving a way a lot of items since I need to declutter. So stay tuned for more stuff. Please be considerate and only claim 2 listings maximum for other people to have a chance! ****Anybody who plans on claiming more than 2 listings will be given a warning from me, and if they don't listen they will not get any items at all. So take that into consideration. **** Comes with: 5 Mew Card Sleeves 14 Cards (2 Energies, 12 Commons Paldea Evolved and Trick or Trade 2023) 2 Code Cards (Paradox Rift) 3 toploaders (2 yellow 1 purple) 1 divider (Urshifu Battlestyles) Pick up is only at Kennedy Commons Scarborough! Will provide address once confirmed! Feel free to check my other listings if you're interested in anything else Happy claiming! 😊
- ConditionGood