Hey North York Neighbours! In partnership with NeighbourLink North York, Karrot is proud to be co-sponsoring the Willowdale Yard Sale Day happening THIS Saturday June 25th. It's a chance to shop your neighbours and meet your neighbours! There will be 25+ Yard Sales happening across the neighbourhood and 40+ sales happening at the market at Spring Garden Church from 10am-2pm ๐ก. See here for more info: https://www.neighbourlink.org/yardsale Check out the Willowdale Yard Sale Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1qLLI5rnHH2j4vx9W4aFsht2qO8m99t0&ll=43.76530506509498%2C-79.41432269119308&z=13 Funds raised will support under-resourced youth and families in the Willowdale community! Come join us for some fun in the sun ๐งก