**If the ad is up, it's still available. Please do not ask for specs that can be found in the link listed below.** Bought in early 2022 for $1800+tax. Slightly older model of this one: https://canadaclinicsupply.com/product/chiro-260-stationary-chiropractic-table-with-pelvic-drop/. Has everything listed in that ad, except that the head piece cushions are not adjustable. Used this table only 1x/week for 2 years. It's in excellent shape and it's priced lower as you would be responsible for moving it. I would highly recommend renting a furniture dolly as the table needs to be in a vertical position to fit in the elevator. The table will come with massage bolsters that cost $200. An appointment must be made to view/buy the table. The only availability I have would be Fridays (most ideal) and weekends.