City Select Double Jogger Stoller in almost Excellent Condition‼️ 🫧Super clean‼️ All neatly packaged back in the original boxes. Comes with: ☑️2 reclining canopy seats with adjustable leg rest(1 missing seatbelt, but can be purchased online for only $25) ☑️2 snack tray attachments with cup holder ☑️1 universal baby car seat adaptor ☑️1 rain cover (covers both seats) ☑️1 parent console-cup holder and convenient compartment attachment for parent bottom basket for storage 💎Bonus💎: ☑️2 natural Australian lambskin liner for warm and cozy babies in the winter (retails for over $100 each) ✳️This baby jogger was amazing from baby to toddler and older child has a basket at the bottom for storage ✳️seats can be configured to face parent, face one another or face forward ✳️easy to maneuver bigger wheels able to go on different terrains with comfort quick and easy to set up and fold away 🚨this is a steal! All worth over 1,800 and selling for only $450 (that's 80% off the original price)
- ConditionGood