100% New, 100% Works 433mHz RF Remote Controller, You can duplicate your original Garage Gate Remote into this Universal Controller Copier so thay yoy have one more controller to open your garage gate for othet family members. Accept CASH only AND face-to-face trade ONLY (To void Scammer, please stay away from me by God's sake!) Trade at here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/uvvRgXoTBPzU9psp6 It is the curbside “between units 87 and 88” of 735 New Westminster Drive, Thornhill, ON, Canada where is an entrance of a carpark, we trade there. If interested, please email 102030neal@gmail.com When you can see this advertisement post, it is available. Please also see my OTHER listings under my post. Scamer: God Jesus Christ protects me! HE can be your saviour too if you repent and return to God TODAY!