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    Happy Mother's Day! 🧡 Free Coffee Giveaway ☕️

    Wanted ·

    No Price

    Happy Mother's Day! Celebrate the day with Karrot, share your favourite memory with your mom in the comments. It could be baking an apple pie together or the time your mom helped you get over your first heart break. 🥕 How: Share your favourite memory with your mom in the comments below. ☕️ We'll select 10 comments and send out a $10 Starbucks gift card for the winners to enjoy with their family. Period: May 7 ~ May 10 23:59 (EST) 2021 Winner announcement: May 14 T&Cs apply: - Only one comment will be counted per user. - Ten winners will be chosen randomly among comments written on this post between May 7 08:00 - May 10 23:59 (EST) 2021. - Only open to users verified in open regions in Canada. - Comments must follow our Community Guidelines and Policies. - Offensive or explicit content will be removed and the relevant suspensions applied. - By leaving a comment on this post, you agree to allowing your comment to feature in marketing contents uploaded to Karrot's social media accounts including Facebook and Instagram.

      0 chats · 21 favourites · 957 views
      Comments 103
      joce profile page
      Byron·when I was little I really wanted fake nails, my mom thought I was too young so she literally cut little nails out of paper and taped them on my hands the next day. She is so selfless and was the best mom ever. ❤
      Wendy profile page
      Bay Street Corridor·That is so sweet😍
      Hovida profile page
      Windfields·When I was younger than now I collected my money until I could a gift for my mom but I lost my money I could not buy any gift.
      Rose profile page
      Junction Area·I remember when I was a child back in the 70’s & when I would get sick (with a little cold etc...). My mom would wrap me in her mother’s PJ cover robe, telling me it would get me better. Then she would sing a silly song to make me forget about being sick. It sure did work every time! We always laugh & bring up those memories. My mom is loving lady & uses humour to heal. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms 🌸
      ww profile page
      Downsview·awwww. what a mom!
      Annie profile page
      Markham Village·Going camping together
      VJNatale profile page
      Broadview N·When I was growing up we use to take a yearly vacation. My mother would always make us the cutest mini pizzas! She would make dozens of them! They were so good! I love her creativity!
      Crystal profile page
      Woburn·The best memory I had with my mom would be the day that I gave birth to my daughter and we all were together for the first time. It was such a happy moment for me. Mother’s Day took on a whole new meaning that day!
      Sharon profile page
      Church Yonge Corridor·One of my favorite memories is helping my mother prepare black cake for Christmas. She'd have me beating the eggs in a big bucket and we'd be playing beautiful Christmas music in the background. She made Christmas such a wonderful memory with all the cooking and baking and joyful singing.
      SaraWillowridge·My mom has always held such a close place in my heart. She's not only my mom but my best friend. I have so many memories with her but my favourite memory with my mom is when we went snorkeling together in Cuba when I was younger. It was such an exciting and beautiful experience! ❤
      Saina profile page
      Woodbine Corridor·The best memory that I had with my mom was when I went to her house after a long week full of work stress. The love in her eyes and the warmth tea she offered me was washing away all the bad things , angers and hate in the world and there was only ❤️ that remains.
      Charles profile page
      W London·Visiting Korea and hiking in the mountains!
      Zgrad profile page
      Brookhaven·coffee for first timer Karoot users, stay Home moments taking photos for karrot😊🥰🌹🌹
      fara profile page
      Newtonbrook W·I left my country to Turkey when I was 22 years old and I was so lonely, then my mom came and stayed for 2 months with me before I come to Canada. we lived in a old basement that had rats and other small creatures. my mom made best foods there for me and we went for walking and groceries together. that was one of the best memories kind of bitter sweet. I was leaving my mom to Canada to my husband and was sad that I leaving my mom but happy because I was going to my husband. after that I didn't see my parents for 5years then went for visit with my husband.
      dalgi profile page
      Danforth E York·Hiking up the Jeju mountains together and sharing stories over a picnic on the peak with a lovely view. I'm so very lucky to have her in my life ❤
      Elle profile page
      Clairlea·I was once having this moment to myself, just ugly-sobbing cause of school, having to do group projects on my own and handling all my college applications. My mom sat with me and told me about this mermaid documentary to help calm me down 😌
      Betty profile page
      Englemount·My mom and me dancing salsa in the middle of the living room. We would put on long skirts and tube tops and blast the music. I have my own daughter now and plan to do this as well with her. My mom has always taken care of everyone now it’s her turn to be taken care of ❤️❤️
      aliyey profile page
      Taylor·Despite the long long distances between us, my mom is the one who can leave all the things behind and come for help whenever I need and she is the only person thinks the very best thing for me unconditionally. I am so lucky to have her in my life.
      Merry profile page
      Waterfront Communities·my mom always beside me and she has strong support for what problems I have my mom is my best mom ever.
      Spring profile page
      Credit Valley·My mom and I would go for swimming Lessons together and have fries after 😊
      withdrawn userMedway·All the memories with my mom stand out, can't choose one. I wish I would go back in years to re-live all the memories again.
      VanessaBranson·My mom used to make all my clothes- now I came abroad for studies and she’s back in my country - but I remember that since I was a little kid she used to make my clothes - all my little dresses , tops , shirts and everything and I remember she sewing them on the machine and me keeping her entertained by singing or dancing and I would make her laugh and in the end she gives me what she made and I would be so happy and I would wear that and dance around and show it to my dad and my friends ❤️
      Vee profile page
      York University Heights·When I got my first office job I was able to afford to go away for my vacation. That year I planned my first trip south to the Caribbean. I invited my mom to go with me. We had such a great time together!
      Era profile page
      Bayview Village·My Maminka has always been the warmth of our home and all family, even now we have all grown up and gave our families, when we go home, we become her children again. One of my early memory was that one afternoon we pretend-played that she is coming to my saloon for hair, nails, massage. it was almost 40 years ago, but I can still see how she is sitting on a chat in our living room and I'm doing her hair ☺️
      GP profile page
      Argyle·Every mom are the best mom and we are blessed to have mom like them. My mom is one of them. My mom always busy working for our family. I may not have any best memories like other people here with my mom. Because, I mom growth up during war time and she always have to work and work.till she have to move to refugee camp and now we are here . Growing up beside my mom and all I see my mom doing is working and working. She always tried her best for her life and most for her family. Now She is a house wife and never go out for camping, hiking, swimming and any other fun that Canadian people are loves doing. The far away from home that she go is grocery shopping for her family. 😔. I am so proud to have mom like her and I can never compare myself to her. Ask her to go out with us like other mom going out with their child but she always have things to do at home 🏠. My best memories with my mom is when I got home from work and she always waiting to have dinner with me till this Dãy. Thank you mom and to all mom out there in the world.
      Kelly profile page
      Rustic·Lots of baking new things!
      NickyyAnnex·My fondest memory of my mom was when I was younger, she would come pick me up from school, bring me to grocery shopping so I could choose one dessert I wanted to have, and go home together to cook. I didn’t realize how much I cherished these moments until I’ve grown up, moved out, and start a family of my own.
      Sandra G profile page
      Sandra G
      Humber Summit·My favourite memory with my mom was going to Tim Hortons to have the soup of the day combo. We would sit there for hours and just talk. We did this until she was 85 years old before she passed away. These are the best memories I have with my mom.
      withdrawn userNorthgate·God bless her soul .pass a years till today still tears running . never forget all memories wasn't in past meaning to me but now everything even simple meaning a lot .
      Danny profile page
      L'amoreaux·taking me out snowboarding and skiing to blue mountain. all those beautiful drives up north to the cottage country. buying me gifts on Christmas. just spending time with me and alot of money on me as a child. thank you mama
      Chris profile page
      Church Yonge Corridor·As a new immigrant to Canada at the time I remembered the warm hug we shared at the airport after not seeing each other for many years. That hug flooded my memory with the many I've received from her in the pass.
      Sydney profile page
      The Beaches·my mom used to always drive me to singing lessons and travel with me to major auditions when I was in high school. now I'm a professional opera singer and I treasure how much of my passion blossomed from her dedication 🥰
      Nicole profile page
      Bathurst Manor·My mom raised me and my sister alone and the amount of time she put in besides working for us to watch treehouse, disney and all the VHS tapes in the world I will always remember those movie times👯🏽‍♀️🥰💖
      Julia profile page
      Westminster·My mom and I would lay down together and watch sappy comedies while she scratched my back.
      Lucy profile page
      Bay Street Corridor·I enjoyed going to Hawaii together a few years ago. We snorkeled, attended luau and really enjoyed time together as 2 adults for the first time.
      Sueper profile page
      Hamilton Road·My Mom had a serious hemorrhage when I was 8 so the memories I have are old! One of my favourite memories was a bad blizzard and my dad couldn’t get home from work, my mom, sister, brother and I sitting around the stove with the door open to stay warm and listening to the radio.
      Ram profile page
      Audley·The best memory of my mom is when I stayed way from her. Each and every work I do when I stay alone remembers about my mom how she pampers me by taking care of virtually every work around me & allow me to just enjoy myself. Her love towards me irreplaceable & unconditional
      Kamal profile page
      Kingsview Village·My best memories were with my mother when she visited me in Canada. We spent time together reading books, baking and enjoy new things together. I can’t wait fir that to happen again 💜💜
      ria profile page
      Islington·Every moments!
      Magique profile page
      L'amoreaux·Every moment with my mom is precious. But what I love the most is the wonderful BFF feeling and knowing that she is always there to be a shoulder to cry on, to lend a helping hand, to be a listening ear and the voice of wisdom! Happy Mothers Day to the Best Mother Ever!🥰
      withdrawn userBay Street Corridor·Thanks so much for doing this Starbucks my favorite memory with my mom was going to Disney world when I was 13 for my birthday 🥳
      Bella profile page
      Sandringham Wellington·I miss my mom so much. Now that I have my two kids I just wish she is here. She is back home and it’s just too hard for me to bring her here:( I enjoy just being with her around me.
      Furnitureflip profile page
      Westbrook / Mill Pond·To only pick one memory is hard but it’s definitely dancing & singing in the kitchen!!
      jacintha profile page
      Hurontario·best mother's day the day I held my 2 5 pounds baby on my chest. she crawled to my neck . she's stayed there for several hours. I cried so much. though she suffed many health issues she was 💪. April 6. th 2021 she passed away. she gave me best mother's day gift. love 💘 I hold her close to my heart. love you my baby.
      yolandab profile page
      Dovercourt·I'm very grateful of life. until 15 years old I enjoyed cooking with my Mom, grandmothers, and my great grandmothers, my aunts, my cousin, the sisters of my grannies... After their pass away, of many of them, we are joint for the red thread of the magical recipes, hugs full of cornmeal, desserts... chocolate complicity , each day I cook with them in my heart, memories, with the "secrets ingredients" like love and to serve others one piece of many generations drop in a tablespoon...thanks to the Life my daughter and son maintained alive the heritage.
      Shyamina profile page
      Willowdale E·The one sentence that my mom told me on my wedding day; "Never forget that I loved you first ." Thinking about it makes my heart skip a beat even today! Thanks to her I had an extraordinary joyful marriage and selfless best friend for life.🌹💕 I am so pleased God that you gave me such an amazing person to be by me. Happy Mother's Day Mumma. 😘
      Shayla profile page
      Central·I have a few! Baking cupcakes with my mother was a weekly activity, walking on this little trail near where we used to live and watching horror movies together (even though I was much too young to be watching them) lol. Happy (soon to be) Mother’s Day to all the mothers on earth and in heaven! 🥰❤️
      suWeston-Pelham Park·My favourite memory with my mom was traveling. Growing up it was just her & I, so we used to travel alot and I just loved being able to see new places with her, explore new countries. 💜
      janna profile page
      Regent Park·the best memory of my mom is the days I have birth to my baby girl. she was there with me throughout my contractions , labour and birth. After birth she stayed up all night looking after my baby while I tried to get some sleep. I could never forget that moment. The encouragement and strength she gave me was beyond anything.
      Anusha profile page
      Newtonbrook W·My best memory of my mom when I was little was baking delicious pound cakes in the mid-night and enjoying the beautiful aroma of the freshly baked cake while it bakes in the oven.
      Jennifer profile page
      Liberty Village·Being pulled to the mall on my little red sled as a child. I think of those times often and it always makes me smile.
      Jaclyn profile page
      Church Yonge Corridor·My mom’s always been selfless and still is, raising me and my siblings and giving us everything she could while she would wear old, raggedy clothes, never spending money on herself. My best memory was being able to take her on vacation for the first time, traveling out of country, a small gesture in comparison to everything’s she’s done for me.
      Asha profile page
      Humber Summit·I am a twin so my mom always dress us alike and still we are very special to her n my siblings
      Tina profile page
      Bendale·I am going to use my godmother she was a huge part in raising me. I was living on my own with my 2 kids we found a little bird outside so took to my godmom she lived 2 buildings down. we were able to nurse the bird back and she kept it as no one claimed him it became her baby. that day I wanted to make jam as my godmom was the jam queen wanted to try something different even she didn't try a strawberry apple well it was delish and became one of our must have every year. well last year she was in hospital for stem cell transplant and it was working for the cancer woo hoo but she took turn for the worst got pneumonia and her kidneys failed her she passed in April 2020. since then my girls and I have vowed to make our strawberry apple jam every year along with all her other baked goodies and my house now has 3 birds she would love I have my godmom with us everyday.
      Mary profile page
      Dorset Park·How do you pick just one for such an impeccable being! I've watch this warrior battle job loss, loved ones sick for long periods of time. The way this woman always puts herself aside just to care for those she loves. From cooking, to cleaning to seasonal chores of the gardening and mass cook ups to preserve what was home grown. Let's not forget the assembly line making our annual pasta sauce. There aren't jewels with value high enough to be on the crown that should honor this woman. she's leaving me huge shoes to fill. Happy Mother's day to all! Especially to the ancestry mothers whom came before us. We are honored to be your reflection!
      Sherry profile page
      Bayview Village·My best memory is 11 years ago I came to Canada, when I got off the plane, my mom is waiting at the airport. Before that day I haven't seen her in 3 years, we could only talk to each other on the phone. She was living in Toronto alone. When I finally saw her, at the moment all I can feel is my dream came true.
      Danielle profile page
      Wexford·one of my favorite memories with my mom is doing crafts together. she is so creative and was able to make something out of anything. That is where my love of crafting comes from and now I share it with my kids. 🥰
      Carine profile page
      Danforth·So many memories with my mom can’t even think which one to’s been 22 years since I have been away from my country (Bangladesh) but my parents come every year...I remember when my mom and I were in Italy and the car was parked in the wrong spot...I went to the Vatican and my mom was smoking a cigarette . Then it was a while I was there and suddenly I see my mom inside the Car getting towed. I told the enforcement to stop and my mom said life is too short wouldnt mind getting towed -come and join me. So they lowered the car so I could get in. We did get towed and my dad had to rescue us. These are the moments I miss with my mom as she is fearless and takes life without any worry
      Pat profile page
      Milliken E·Happy Mother’s Day to my Mother, she is alway the best. Springtime is her favourite season, every year she will have her garden full of vegetables like tomatoes, lettuce, winter melon and more. Because of her we have fresh vegetables every summer. Alway Love my mother!!
      Asianshell profile page
      CityPlace·When I was maybe in grade 1 or 2, I used to take the bus to & from school. Instead of jumping off the school bus and onto the floor after school, I'd jump into my mom's arms. For my step mom, she always made really yummy food while growing up. The best memories I have with her is when she taught me how to make some of my favourite dishes she made. Unfortunately, we live in different provinces now but the last time I visited in late 2019, she made me a huge bottle of my favourite sauce to bring back home with me. She spent a lot of money and time as she went all out on the ingredients and preparation. Since using up the sauce, as a reminder of what she did for me, I use that bottle every day as a drinking "cup". For my mother in law, it's when she told me she loved me after only 4 months of dating her son. At the time, my husband hadn't told me he loved me yet. LOL. When she had her retirement party, all of her coworkers already knew me even though I just met them for the very first time. They told me she would always tell them how wonderful I am and how much she loved me.
      sue 1827 profile page
      sue 1827
      Clairlea·My best memories with my mum was when she used to make us learn new cooking tips... I used to find ways not to do it lol and she alway said when yourll grow up you will remember the tips I gave youll so you could make delicious food.... I do remember her words... now I do cook but I miss her tips🙂.... those are one of the good memories .... 🙂
      CharityGrandmaHuron Heights·my favorite memory of my Mom. she taught me to be a Good Mom and an amazing Grandma. it is indeed a Memory as She passed over 30 years ago... xoxo
      LR profile page
      Churchill Meadows·My mom and I would get ice cream and do shoping every weekend (or as we call it "our Saturdate") [pre-pandemic]. We would just laugh and catch up the entire time.
      Phil profile page
      Palmerston·My favourite memory of me and my mom was the first time I make crumpets they were so amazing and I love that day because they were delicious
      dee profile page
      Northwood Park·my favorite mothers day with my mom was the year my dad passed away I was 4 and my sister was 2 we always took my mom out for mothers day and my dad would pay and mom still went out for lunch with us and she gave me the money to pay and she praised me for taking my mommy out for mothers day
      Diba profile page
      Clanton Park·My mom is a true role model who showed me the importance of independence, hard work and continuous learning. I owe her my career life.
      popo profile page
      Uplands·On Mother's Day, we shared our hearts by writing about 'Mother'. M:My mother is. O:one and only me. T:thanks you for the mother. H:hero for me. E:everything is thank you~. R:respect my mother!! ♡♡♡
      Mel profile page
      CityPlace·I got an international interview and took my mom with me. It was a lot of fun because we went to different countries afterwards and she was so excited to finally be visiting Europe. There was one moment in Paris , where she looked so happy as we were walking down the street , that would have to be my favorite memory.
      eti profile page
      White Oaks·after God 2nd person is mom who love us and her love is pure and precious.
      spash profile page
      Bay Street Corridor·Teaching me my first math and comforting me when I had nightmares as a child!
      Naz profile page
      Hyde Park·My memory with my mom I miss most her comfort for when I am down. And knowing what I need or want without me saying it.
      Rajni profile page
      Milliken W·My mother was my best friend, who I could share everything good, bad, wrong and right. Her unconditional love would never judge me. In her last days she was on wheel chair, but she would always be concerned if I ate or not. Once i fell sick at work, my husband picked me up from work and brought me home. i remember clearly she tried to get from her chair and " go lie down I will make tea for you." Brought tears in our eyes. Her love was always there for us. love her so much.
      Fatema profile page
      Woburn·Happy Mother’s Day Amma 🥰❤️ May Allah keep my mother healthy and give her a good life
      withdrawn userBlake Jones·My mother and I used to do a lot of crafts together over the years I still do crafts to this day but it was her that got me started on the love of doing crafts I miss my mom she’s been gone several years now
      YuenHumber Summit·My mom gave the color pencel for me everyyear at children day in korea until 12years then she went away to heaven. When i see the color pencel i am happy. I buy the color pencil for my son now. He also love that drawing. The pencil will be make my son happy
      MariaW profile page
      Byron·My favourite memory with my mom is going to the Eiffel Tower and climbing all the way to the top. Then after we did that me and my mom drank champagne on the summit of The Eiffel Tower. Thank you so much for doing this Karrot, it’s such a nice thing to do!
      withdrawn userO'connor Parkview·Getting Tim Hortons and watching movies
      Jess profile page
      S Riverdale·I remember when we weren’t as well off when I was young and my mom would bring me to McDonald’s and watch me eat McDonald’s while she didn’t eat anything. It’s sad but also makes me appreciate her so much more.
      Candace profile page
      Coldstream·It’s all very well giving a gift for Mother’s Day, but, my mother died when I was 18, many years ago and to make matters worse, I don’t drink coffee! So I lose on both counts.
      chesterbea profile page
      Eglinton E·Sorry about your loss, perhaps you can share a memory regardless. Also, Starbucks has more than just coffee.
      JA profile page
      Medway·My favorite memories I had with my mom is I was sick when I was kid and my mom take care of me overnight I don't really remember that night but I still remember clearly that mom wiped my sweat from fever. That is my best memories of my mom and I can't foget it utill I die.
      maryellen profile page
      N St. James Town·the most amazing thing I have ever remembered is when my mom she to give me nicknames like doodle and scooter it was so funny when when I look back and hear them being said I cry and remember how amazing my mom truly was to me and I'm great for for everything she has done for me and the fun we had even know......we went to zellers when it was open every time we turn to look at some thing all I hear is 💨💨💨🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and the lady behide us looking at a sweater with her face 🤭🤢😳😳😳🤯🤭🤭🤭🤭🤣🤣🤣 my mom is my Rock and I will always protect her just like she protected me 🌹🌹🌹🌹
      Khali profile page
      Pleasant View·Shining of moon stars sun is nothing my mom is shiner then these for me where I am standing only and only due to my mom
      MEi profile page
      W London·my favourite memory would be going to visit /help out her mom on different occasions. it usually included some great stories of when she was little and always included some tea. Though I wasnt aware then , it was great to see how great their relationship was and it was nice to have the time with everyone together.
      Shaz profile page
      Strathcona·The most memorable Mothers Day memory was when my mom decided to take us cherry picking in Niagara Falls. We each paired up and I was with my mom, while my brother and sister picked cherries together. My mom insisted she climb the ladder to the top of one cherry tree to pick the best cherries. She relied on me, at the bottom of the ladder, to hold it while she climbed. When she got to the top the ladder began to sway back towards me. I was 8 at the time and couldn’t hold it. My mom fell off the ladder and broken both her arms. We spend Mother’s Day at the hospital.
      Ann profile page
      Huron Heights·my favorite memory was our chatting time....soon after school we used to chat lots over some homemade snacks....we used to do this till I moved to missing those days very badly..Hopefully I can meet her soon after this pandemic
      roseHumewood·happy mother's day to all the mom
      roseHumewood·my mom and i climbing in the high tree
      Jani profile page
      N St. James Town·Tattooing my mom for the first time. She never had a tattoo but wanted to help me open my tattoo shop. I told her the only way I’d open a business was her was if she got one. So she let me do her first tattoo. It took me about an hour to finally settle her down and get that needle in her skin. She cried and screamed and ran away from me soo many times her boyfriend had to literally hold her down. It was hilarious but she did it. And now every time I go visit her she wants a new tattoo lol
      AmandaJ profile page
      Runnymede·Lemon cake at Starbucks with Arabic coffee with my mummi
      julieee profile page
      Willowdale E·i remember she really hugged me tightly when i cut my finger. i felt her love really deeply
      miki profile page
      Bay Street Corridor·Cooking together is always one of my fondest memories of my mother, especially when it involves making some of her speciality dishes or desserts. She's an amazing cook!😋
      iffatnafees profile page
      Humber Summit·when I got my first periods I was 12yrs old ,,it was quite strange for me to get periods wear panties ,and everytime it leaked in my panty or my pant and even on my bedsheets my mother used to clean my dirty panties bedsheets and pants..during my periods she asked me to stay at home took off from school and I stayed all the day in my bed and my mother used to serve me warm hot drinks to relieve periods pain
      celine profile page
      Henry Farm·for years together there was one thing that never changed right from my school days, university days and even after work was the time, I spent with my mom having a nice evening chat with a hot cup of tea. it was like a tradition that never changed but I miss it so much now!
      chesterbea profile page
      Eglinton E·My favorite memories of my mom is her sarcastic and blunt sense of humor. For the most part, my mom is a "boring housewife" so I really don't know where it comes from. An example: we were grocery shopping with her and my dad and some man comes onto her saying "Hello beautiful, are you single?". I guess he didn't notice my dad and me. My mom says "No. That's my husband and daughter. But, are you rich? How much money do you have? I can always leave them for you." with the most deadpan serious face.
      Liz profile page
      Morningside·I missed my Mom's cooking the best beef stew which is incomparable from the way I cooked. Since we live far from my parents. I just wish that one day we will be able to travel again and visit them. Maybe then I can share a recipe that I can be proud of as well. Like mother like daughter.
      JaniceRathwood·I remember that my mom and I was walking together in dark. I was so afraid of darkness but my mom was grabbing my hand tightly and sang a hymn for me.
      Anna profile page
      N Riverdale·My mom and I used to go on a mother-daughter trip even June (pre-covid). My favourite memories are exploring new places with her, stopping to look at every doorway and weed! We find beauty in everything so it always takes a long time to get from A to B!
      Antonietta profile page
      Clarkson·My favourite memory with my mom is when we cooked together and she taught me all her old recipes she taught me how to make the most amazing pasta sauce!
      Aria profile page
      N Riverdale·Every Mother’s Day me and my mom bake a mother’s day cake together. This year we made a heart shaped Mother’s Day cake .We also had a barbecue with our whole family too. It was a very nice day.
      Lauren profile page
      Waterfront Communities·Taking a trip to Las Vegas to go hunting for the perfect grad dress !
      withdrawn userClairlea·Whenever I was too hard on myself due to less than satisfactory school marks or after a bad game, my mom would always remind me that I can always do better next time and to not be so hard on myself. Now as an adult, those words are my guide whenever something unpleasant happens, I can always hear her words in my head and remember that I am more than enough and next time I can try to do better❣
      Comments 103
      joce profile page
      Byron·when I was little I really wanted fake nails, my mom thought I was too young so she literally cut little nails out of paper and taped them on my hands the next day. She is so selfless and was the best mom ever. ❤
      Wendy profile page
      Bay Street Corridor·That is so sweet😍
      Hovida profile page
      Windfields·When I was younger than now I collected my money until I could a gift for my mom but I lost my money I could not buy any gift.
      Rose profile page
      Junction Area·I remember when I was a child back in the 70’s & when I would get sick (with a little cold etc...). My mom would wrap me in her mother’s PJ cover robe, telling me it would get me better. Then she would sing a silly song to make me forget about being sick. It sure did work every time! We always laugh & bring up those memories. My mom is loving lady & uses humour to heal. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms 🌸
      ww profile page
      Downsview·awwww. what a mom!
      Annie profile page
      Markham Village·Going camping together
      VJNatale profile page
      Broadview N·When I was growing up we use to take a yearly vacation. My mother would always make us the cutest mini pizzas! She would make dozens of them! They were so good! I love her creativity!
      Crystal profile page
      Woburn·The best memory I had with my mom would be the day that I gave birth to my daughter and we all were together for the first time. It was such a happy moment for me. Mother’s Day took on a whole new meaning that day!
      Sharon profile page
      Church Yonge Corridor·One of my favorite memories is helping my mother prepare black cake for Christmas. She'd have me beating the eggs in a big bucket and we'd be playing beautiful Christmas music in the background. She made Christmas such a wonderful memory with all the cooking and baking and joyful singing.
      SaraWillowridge·My mom has always held such a close place in my heart. She's not only my mom but my best friend. I have so many memories with her but my favourite memory with my mom is when we went snorkeling together in Cuba when I was younger. It was such an exciting and beautiful experience! ❤
      Saina profile page
      Woodbine Corridor·The best memory that I had with my mom was when I went to her house after a long week full of work stress. The love in her eyes and the warmth tea she offered me was washing away all the bad things , angers and hate in the world and there was only ❤️ that remains.
      Charles profile page
      W London·Visiting Korea and hiking in the mountains!
      Zgrad profile page
      Brookhaven·coffee for first timer Karoot users, stay Home moments taking photos for karrot😊🥰🌹🌹
      fara profile page
      Newtonbrook W·I left my country to Turkey when I was 22 years old and I was so lonely, then my mom came and stayed for 2 months with me before I come to Canada. we lived in a old basement that had rats and other small creatures. my mom made best foods there for me and we went for walking and groceries together. that was one of the best memories kind of bitter sweet. I was leaving my mom to Canada to my husband and was sad that I leaving my mom but happy because I was going to my husband. after that I didn't see my parents for 5years then went for visit with my husband.
      dalgi profile page
      Danforth E York·Hiking up the Jeju mountains together and sharing stories over a picnic on the peak with a lovely view. I'm so very lucky to have her in my life ❤
      Elle profile page
      Clairlea·I was once having this moment to myself, just ugly-sobbing cause of school, having to do group projects on my own and handling all my college applications. My mom sat with me and told me about this mermaid documentary to help calm me down 😌
      Betty profile page
      Englemount·My mom and me dancing salsa in the middle of the living room. We would put on long skirts and tube tops and blast the music. I have my own daughter now and plan to do this as well with her. My mom has always taken care of everyone now it’s her turn to be taken care of ❤️❤️
      aliyey profile page
      Taylor·Despite the long long distances between us, my mom is the one who can leave all the things behind and come for help whenever I need and she is the only person thinks the very best thing for me unconditionally. I am so lucky to have her in my life.
      Merry profile page
      Waterfront Communities·my mom always beside me and she has strong support for what problems I have my mom is my best mom ever.
      Spring profile page
      Credit Valley·My mom and I would go for swimming Lessons together and have fries after 😊
      withdrawn userMedway·All the memories with my mom stand out, can't choose one. I wish I would go back in years to re-live all the memories again.
      VanessaBranson·My mom used to make all my clothes- now I came abroad for studies and she’s back in my country - but I remember that since I was a little kid she used to make my clothes - all my little dresses , tops , shirts and everything and I remember she sewing them on the machine and me keeping her entertained by singing or dancing and I would make her laugh and in the end she gives me what she made and I would be so happy and I would wear that and dance around and show it to my dad and my friends ❤️
      Vee profile page
      York University Heights·When I got my first office job I was able to afford to go away for my vacation. That year I planned my first trip south to the Caribbean. I invited my mom to go with me. We had such a great time together!
      Era profile page
      Bayview Village·My Maminka has always been the warmth of our home and all family, even now we have all grown up and gave our families, when we go home, we become her children again. One of my early memory was that one afternoon we pretend-played that she is coming to my saloon for hair, nails, massage. it was almost 40 years ago, but I can still see how she is sitting on a chat in our living room and I'm doing her hair ☺️
      GP profile page
      Argyle·Every mom are the best mom and we are blessed to have mom like them. My mom is one of them. My mom always busy working for our family. I may not have any best memories like other people here with my mom. Because, I mom growth up during war time and she always have to work and work.till she have to move to refugee camp and now we are here . Growing up beside my mom and all I see my mom doing is working and working. She always tried her best for her life and most for her family. Now She is a house wife and never go out for camping, hiking, swimming and any other fun that Canadian people are loves doing. The far away from home that she go is grocery shopping for her family. 😔. I am so proud to have mom like her and I can never compare myself to her. Ask her to go out with us like other mom going out with their child but she always have things to do at home 🏠. My best memories with my mom is when I got home from work and she always waiting to have dinner with me till this Dãy. Thank you mom and to all mom out there in the world.
      Kelly profile page
      Rustic·Lots of baking new things!
      NickyyAnnex·My fondest memory of my mom was when I was younger, she would come pick me up from school, bring me to grocery shopping so I could choose one dessert I wanted to have, and go home together to cook. I didn’t realize how much I cherished these moments until I’ve grown up, moved out, and start a family of my own.
      Sandra G profile page
      Sandra G
      Humber Summit·My favourite memory with my mom was going to Tim Hortons to have the soup of the day combo. We would sit there for hours and just talk. We did this until she was 85 years old before she passed away. These are the best memories I have with my mom.
      withdrawn userNorthgate·God bless her soul .pass a years till today still tears running . never forget all memories wasn't in past meaning to me but now everything even simple meaning a lot .
      Danny profile page
      L'amoreaux·taking me out snowboarding and skiing to blue mountain. all those beautiful drives up north to the cottage country. buying me gifts on Christmas. just spending time with me and alot of money on me as a child. thank you mama
      Chris profile page
      Church Yonge Corridor·As a new immigrant to Canada at the time I remembered the warm hug we shared at the airport after not seeing each other for many years. That hug flooded my memory with the many I've received from her in the pass.
      Sydney profile page
      The Beaches·my mom used to always drive me to singing lessons and travel with me to major auditions when I was in high school. now I'm a professional opera singer and I treasure how much of my passion blossomed from her dedication 🥰
      Nicole profile page
      Bathurst Manor·My mom raised me and my sister alone and the amount of time she put in besides working for us to watch treehouse, disney and all the VHS tapes in the world I will always remember those movie times👯🏽‍♀️🥰💖
      Julia profile page
      Westminster·My mom and I would lay down together and watch sappy comedies while she scratched my back.
      Lucy profile page
      Bay Street Corridor·I enjoyed going to Hawaii together a few years ago. We snorkeled, attended luau and really enjoyed time together as 2 adults for the first time.
      Sueper profile page
      Hamilton Road·My Mom had a serious hemorrhage when I was 8 so the memories I have are old! One of my favourite memories was a bad blizzard and my dad couldn’t get home from work, my mom, sister, brother and I sitting around the stove with the door open to stay warm and listening to the radio.
      Ram profile page
      Audley·The best memory of my mom is when I stayed way from her. Each and every work I do when I stay alone remembers about my mom how she pampers me by taking care of virtually every work around me & allow me to just enjoy myself. Her love towards me irreplaceable & unconditional
      Kamal profile page
      Kingsview Village·My best memories were with my mother when she visited me in Canada. We spent time together reading books, baking and enjoy new things together. I can’t wait fir that to happen again 💜💜
      ria profile page
      Islington·Every moments!
      Magique profile page
      L'amoreaux·Every moment with my mom is precious. But what I love the most is the wonderful BFF feeling and knowing that she is always there to be a shoulder to cry on, to lend a helping hand, to be a listening ear and the voice of wisdom! Happy Mothers Day to the Best Mother Ever!🥰
      withdrawn userBay Street Corridor·Thanks so much for doing this Starbucks my favorite memory with my mom was going to Disney world when I was 13 for my birthday 🥳
      Bella profile page
      Sandringham Wellington·I miss my mom so much. Now that I have my two kids I just wish she is here. She is back home and it’s just too hard for me to bring her here:( I enjoy just being with her around me.
      Furnitureflip profile page
      Westbrook / Mill Pond·To only pick one memory is hard but it’s definitely dancing & singing in the kitchen!!
      jacintha profile page
      Hurontario·best mother's day the day I held my 2 5 pounds baby on my chest. she crawled to my neck . she's stayed there for several hours. I cried so much. though she suffed many health issues she was 💪. April 6. th 2021 she passed away. she gave me best mother's day gift. love 💘 I hold her close to my heart. love you my baby.
      yolandab profile page
      Dovercourt·I'm very grateful of life. until 15 years old I enjoyed cooking with my Mom, grandmothers, and my great grandmothers, my aunts, my cousin, the sisters of my grannies... After their pass away, of many of them, we are joint for the red thread of the magical recipes, hugs full of cornmeal, desserts... chocolate complicity , each day I cook with them in my heart, memories, with the "secrets ingredients" like love and to serve others one piece of many generations drop in a tablespoon...thanks to the Life my daughter and son maintained alive the heritage.
      Shyamina profile page
      Willowdale E·The one sentence that my mom told me on my wedding day; "Never forget that I loved you first ." Thinking about it makes my heart skip a beat even today! Thanks to her I had an extraordinary joyful marriage and selfless best friend for life.🌹💕 I am so pleased God that you gave me such an amazing person to be by me. Happy Mother's Day Mumma. 😘
      Shayla profile page
      Central·I have a few! Baking cupcakes with my mother was a weekly activity, walking on this little trail near where we used to live and watching horror movies together (even though I was much too young to be watching them) lol. Happy (soon to be) Mother’s Day to all the mothers on earth and in heaven! 🥰❤️
      suWeston-Pelham Park·My favourite memory with my mom was traveling. Growing up it was just her & I, so we used to travel alot and I just loved being able to see new places with her, explore new countries. 💜
      janna profile page
      Regent Park·the best memory of my mom is the days I have birth to my baby girl. she was there with me throughout my contractions , labour and birth. After birth she stayed up all night looking after my baby while I tried to get some sleep. I could never forget that moment. The encouragement and strength she gave me was beyond anything.
      Anusha profile page
      Newtonbrook W·My best memory of my mom when I was little was baking delicious pound cakes in the mid-night and enjoying the beautiful aroma of the freshly baked cake while it bakes in the oven.
      Jennifer profile page
      Liberty Village·Being pulled to the mall on my little red sled as a child. I think of those times often and it always makes me smile.
      Jaclyn profile page
      Church Yonge Corridor·My mom’s always been selfless and still is, raising me and my siblings and giving us everything she could while she would wear old, raggedy clothes, never spending money on herself. My best memory was being able to take her on vacation for the first time, traveling out of country, a small gesture in comparison to everything’s she’s done for me.
      Asha profile page
      Humber Summit·I am a twin so my mom always dress us alike and still we are very special to her n my siblings
      Tina profile page
      Bendale·I am going to use my godmother she was a huge part in raising me. I was living on my own with my 2 kids we found a little bird outside so took to my godmom she lived 2 buildings down. we were able to nurse the bird back and she kept it as no one claimed him it became her baby. that day I wanted to make jam as my godmom was the jam queen wanted to try something different even she didn't try a strawberry apple well it was delish and became one of our must have every year. well last year she was in hospital for stem cell transplant and it was working for the cancer woo hoo but she took turn for the worst got pneumonia and her kidneys failed her she passed in April 2020. since then my girls and I have vowed to make our strawberry apple jam every year along with all her other baked goodies and my house now has 3 birds she would love I have my godmom with us everyday.
      Mary profile page
      Dorset Park·How do you pick just one for such an impeccable being! I've watch this warrior battle job loss, loved ones sick for long periods of time. The way this woman always puts herself aside just to care for those she loves. From cooking, to cleaning to seasonal chores of the gardening and mass cook ups to preserve what was home grown. Let's not forget the assembly line making our annual pasta sauce. There aren't jewels with value high enough to be on the crown that should honor this woman. she's leaving me huge shoes to fill. Happy Mother's day to all! Especially to the ancestry mothers whom came before us. We are honored to be your reflection!
      Sherry profile page
      Bayview Village·My best memory is 11 years ago I came to Canada, when I got off the plane, my mom is waiting at the airport. Before that day I haven't seen her in 3 years, we could only talk to each other on the phone. She was living in Toronto alone. When I finally saw her, at the moment all I can feel is my dream came true.
      Danielle profile page
      Wexford·one of my favorite memories with my mom is doing crafts together. she is so creative and was able to make something out of anything. That is where my love of crafting comes from and now I share it with my kids. 🥰
      Carine profile page
      Danforth·So many memories with my mom can’t even think which one to’s been 22 years since I have been away from my country (Bangladesh) but my parents come every year...I remember when my mom and I were in Italy and the car was parked in the wrong spot...I went to the Vatican and my mom was smoking a cigarette . Then it was a while I was there and suddenly I see my mom inside the Car getting towed. I told the enforcement to stop and my mom said life is too short wouldnt mind getting towed -come and join me. So they lowered the car so I could get in. We did get towed and my dad had to rescue us. These are the moments I miss with my mom as she is fearless and takes life without any worry
      Pat profile page
      Milliken E·Happy Mother’s Day to my Mother, she is alway the best. Springtime is her favourite season, every year she will have her garden full of vegetables like tomatoes, lettuce, winter melon and more. Because of her we have fresh vegetables every summer. Alway Love my mother!!
      Asianshell profile page
      CityPlace·When I was maybe in grade 1 or 2, I used to take the bus to & from school. Instead of jumping off the school bus and onto the floor after school, I'd jump into my mom's arms. For my step mom, she always made really yummy food while growing up. The best memories I have with her is when she taught me how to make some of my favourite dishes she made. Unfortunately, we live in different provinces now but the last time I visited in late 2019, she made me a huge bottle of my favourite sauce to bring back home with me. She spent a lot of money and time as she went all out on the ingredients and preparation. Since using up the sauce, as a reminder of what she did for me, I use that bottle every day as a drinking "cup". For my mother in law, it's when she told me she loved me after only 4 months of dating her son. At the time, my husband hadn't told me he loved me yet. LOL. When she had her retirement party, all of her coworkers already knew me even though I just met them for the very first time. They told me she would always tell them how wonderful I am and how much she loved me.
      sue 1827 profile page
      sue 1827
      Clairlea·My best memories with my mum was when she used to make us learn new cooking tips... I used to find ways not to do it lol and she alway said when yourll grow up you will remember the tips I gave youll so you could make delicious food.... I do remember her words... now I do cook but I miss her tips🙂.... those are one of the good memories .... 🙂
      CharityGrandmaHuron Heights·my favorite memory of my Mom. she taught me to be a Good Mom and an amazing Grandma. it is indeed a Memory as She passed over 30 years ago... xoxo
      LR profile page
      Churchill Meadows·My mom and I would get ice cream and do shoping every weekend (or as we call it "our Saturdate") [pre-pandemic]. We would just laugh and catch up the entire time.
      Phil profile page
      Palmerston·My favourite memory of me and my mom was the first time I make crumpets they were so amazing and I love that day because they were delicious
      dee profile page
      Northwood Park·my favorite mothers day with my mom was the year my dad passed away I was 4 and my sister was 2 we always took my mom out for mothers day and my dad would pay and mom still went out for lunch with us and she gave me the money to pay and she praised me for taking my mommy out for mothers day
      Diba profile page
      Clanton Park·My mom is a true role model who showed me the importance of independence, hard work and continuous learning. I owe her my career life.
      popo profile page
      Uplands·On Mother's Day, we shared our hearts by writing about 'Mother'. M:My mother is. O:one and only me. T:thanks you for the mother. H:hero for me. E:everything is thank you~. R:respect my mother!! ♡♡♡
      Mel profile page
      CityPlace·I got an international interview and took my mom with me. It was a lot of fun because we went to different countries afterwards and she was so excited to finally be visiting Europe. There was one moment in Paris , where she looked so happy as we were walking down the street , that would have to be my favorite memory.
      eti profile page
      White Oaks·after God 2nd person is mom who love us and her love is pure and precious.
      spash profile page
      Bay Street Corridor·Teaching me my first math and comforting me when I had nightmares as a child!
      Naz profile page
      Hyde Park·My memory with my mom I miss most her comfort for when I am down. And knowing what I need or want without me saying it.
      Rajni profile page
      Milliken W·My mother was my best friend, who I could share everything good, bad, wrong and right. Her unconditional love would never judge me. In her last days she was on wheel chair, but she would always be concerned if I ate or not. Once i fell sick at work, my husband picked me up from work and brought me home. i remember clearly she tried to get from her chair and " go lie down I will make tea for you." Brought tears in our eyes. Her love was always there for us. love her so much.
      Fatema profile page
      Woburn·Happy Mother’s Day Amma 🥰❤️ May Allah keep my mother healthy and give her a good life
      withdrawn userBlake Jones·My mother and I used to do a lot of crafts together over the years I still do crafts to this day but it was her that got me started on the love of doing crafts I miss my mom she’s been gone several years now
      YuenHumber Summit·My mom gave the color pencel for me everyyear at children day in korea until 12years then she went away to heaven. When i see the color pencel i am happy. I buy the color pencil for my son now. He also love that drawing. The pencil will be make my son happy
      MariaW profile page
      Byron·My favourite memory with my mom is going to the Eiffel Tower and climbing all the way to the top. Then after we did that me and my mom drank champagne on the summit of The Eiffel Tower. Thank you so much for doing this Karrot, it’s such a nice thing to do!
      withdrawn userO'connor Parkview·Getting Tim Hortons and watching movies
      Jess profile page
      S Riverdale·I remember when we weren’t as well off when I was young and my mom would bring me to McDonald’s and watch me eat McDonald’s while she didn’t eat anything. It’s sad but also makes me appreciate her so much more.
      Candace profile page
      Coldstream·It’s all very well giving a gift for Mother’s Day, but, my mother died when I was 18, many years ago and to make matters worse, I don’t drink coffee! So I lose on both counts.
      chesterbea profile page
      Eglinton E·Sorry about your loss, perhaps you can share a memory regardless. Also, Starbucks has more than just coffee.
      JA profile page
      Medway·My favorite memories I had with my mom is I was sick when I was kid and my mom take care of me overnight I don't really remember that night but I still remember clearly that mom wiped my sweat from fever. That is my best memories of my mom and I can't foget it utill I die.
      maryellen profile page
      N St. James Town·the most amazing thing I have ever remembered is when my mom she to give me nicknames like doodle and scooter it was so funny when when I look back and hear them being said I cry and remember how amazing my mom truly was to me and I'm great for for everything she has done for me and the fun we had even know......we went to zellers when it was open every time we turn to look at some thing all I hear is 💨💨💨🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and the lady behide us looking at a sweater with her face 🤭🤢😳😳😳🤯🤭🤭🤭🤭🤣🤣🤣 my mom is my Rock and I will always protect her just like she protected me 🌹🌹🌹🌹
      Khali profile page
      Pleasant View·Shining of moon stars sun is nothing my mom is shiner then these for me where I am standing only and only due to my mom
      MEi profile page
      W London·my favourite memory would be going to visit /help out her mom on different occasions. it usually included some great stories of when she was little and always included some tea. Though I wasnt aware then , it was great to see how great their relationship was and it was nice to have the time with everyone together.
      Shaz profile page
      Strathcona·The most memorable Mothers Day memory was when my mom decided to take us cherry picking in Niagara Falls. We each paired up and I was with my mom, while my brother and sister picked cherries together. My mom insisted she climb the ladder to the top of one cherry tree to pick the best cherries. She relied on me, at the bottom of the ladder, to hold it while she climbed. When she got to the top the ladder began to sway back towards me. I was 8 at the time and couldn’t hold it. My mom fell off the ladder and broken both her arms. We spend Mother’s Day at the hospital.
      Ann profile page
      Huron Heights·my favorite memory was our chatting time....soon after school we used to chat lots over some homemade snacks....we used to do this till I moved to missing those days very badly..Hopefully I can meet her soon after this pandemic
      roseHumewood·happy mother's day to all the mom
      roseHumewood·my mom and i climbing in the high tree
      Jani profile page
      N St. James Town·Tattooing my mom for the first time. She never had a tattoo but wanted to help me open my tattoo shop. I told her the only way I’d open a business was her was if she got one. So she let me do her first tattoo. It took me about an hour to finally settle her down and get that needle in her skin. She cried and screamed and ran away from me soo many times her boyfriend had to literally hold her down. It was hilarious but she did it. And now every time I go visit her she wants a new tattoo lol
      AmandaJ profile page
      Runnymede·Lemon cake at Starbucks with Arabic coffee with my mummi
      julieee profile page
      Willowdale E·i remember she really hugged me tightly when i cut my finger. i felt her love really deeply
      miki profile page
      Bay Street Corridor·Cooking together is always one of my fondest memories of my mother, especially when it involves making some of her speciality dishes or desserts. She's an amazing cook!😋
      iffatnafees profile page
      Humber Summit·when I got my first periods I was 12yrs old ,,it was quite strange for me to get periods wear panties ,and everytime it leaked in my panty or my pant and even on my bedsheets my mother used to clean my dirty panties bedsheets and pants..during my periods she asked me to stay at home took off from school and I stayed all the day in my bed and my mother used to serve me warm hot drinks to relieve periods pain
      celine profile page
      Henry Farm·for years together there was one thing that never changed right from my school days, university days and even after work was the time, I spent with my mom having a nice evening chat with a hot cup of tea. it was like a tradition that never changed but I miss it so much now!
      chesterbea profile page
      Eglinton E·My favorite memories of my mom is her sarcastic and blunt sense of humor. For the most part, my mom is a "boring housewife" so I really don't know where it comes from. An example: we were grocery shopping with her and my dad and some man comes onto her saying "Hello beautiful, are you single?". I guess he didn't notice my dad and me. My mom says "No. That's my husband and daughter. But, are you rich? How much money do you have? I can always leave them for you." with the most deadpan serious face.
      Liz profile page
      Morningside·I missed my Mom's cooking the best beef stew which is incomparable from the way I cooked. Since we live far from my parents. I just wish that one day we will be able to travel again and visit them. Maybe then I can share a recipe that I can be proud of as well. Like mother like daughter.
      JaniceRathwood·I remember that my mom and I was walking together in dark. I was so afraid of darkness but my mom was grabbing my hand tightly and sang a hymn for me.
      Anna profile page
      N Riverdale·My mom and I used to go on a mother-daughter trip even June (pre-covid). My favourite memories are exploring new places with her, stopping to look at every doorway and weed! We find beauty in everything so it always takes a long time to get from A to B!
      Antonietta profile page
      Clarkson·My favourite memory with my mom is when we cooked together and she taught me all her old recipes she taught me how to make the most amazing pasta sauce!
      Aria profile page
      N Riverdale·Every Mother’s Day me and my mom bake a mother’s day cake together. This year we made a heart shaped Mother’s Day cake .We also had a barbecue with our whole family too. It was a very nice day.
      Lauren profile page
      Waterfront Communities·Taking a trip to Las Vegas to go hunting for the perfect grad dress !
      withdrawn userClairlea·Whenever I was too hard on myself due to less than satisfactory school marks or after a bad game, my mom would always remind me that I can always do better next time and to not be so hard on myself. Now as an adult, those words are my guide whenever something unpleasant happens, I can always hear her words in my head and remember that I am more than enough and next time I can try to do better❣
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