HomeBuy and sellHershey's Chocolate MugNimmiDevonsleigh9714 reviewsHershey's Chocolate MugOther · $6This is a ceramic mug with a Hershey's chocolate design. It is brown with a white design. The mug is oval shaped and has a handle.ConditionNew0 chats · 0 favourites · 15 viewsGet the Karrot app to chatOther listings by NimmiShow allHome decor. Can be used as a candle holder$18DevonsleighTwo candle holders$18DevonsleighPainting 14 x 14 in$8DevonsleighNecklace silver colour$12DevonsleighPainting on canvas$8Devonsleigh4 small butter and cheese knives with holder$10DevonsleighPopular on KarrotShow allOver The Door Hanger$1Richmond Hill E