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    Karrot Easter Egg Hunt 🐰

    Wanted ·

    No Price

    Hey everyone, we're back! Who’s ready for a fun little Easter Egg Hunt brought to you by Karrot 🐰🥕? From April 7-13 you can collect eggs by participating in our special event for a chance to win a prize! How exciting is that? ✨ Prizes: 🥚1 egg = $5 Starbucks gift card (5 winners) 🥚🥚2 eggs = $10 Starbucks gift card (5 winners) 🥚🥚🥚3 eggs = $20 Starbucks gift card (5 winners) A total of $175 worth of prizes are up for grabs for 15 winners. Ways to Collect Eggs: ✔️Sell an item on Karrot (excluding free items) = 1 egg ✔️Buy an item on Karrot (excluding free items) = 1 egg ✔️Find one of the secret listings posted by a Karrot account = 1 egg -3 secret listings will be posted by a Karrot admin account throughout the week -The listings will include “Karrot Easter Egg 🐰🥕” in the title and an image of an Easter egg -If you think you’ve found a secret listing start a “chat” on the listing to claim your egg! Note: Only the first 10 users to chat with each secret listing will receive an egg (so you gotta be fast!) To confirm your entry, please leave a comment on this post stating which activity you’ve completed and how many eggs you’ve collected. If you collect more eggs throughout the week you can keep leaving new comments. Prize winners will be randomly chosen and announced on April 14th. Let’s start collecting those eggs 💪! Terms and Conditions -Only transactions made between April 7 0:00 - April 13 23:59 will be counted as valid entries. Transactions for free items will be excluded. -Engagement may be monitored to verify the validity of the completed transaction. Listings found to be fake or in-genuine will be disqualified. -Users can only receive 1 egg per activity (eg. selling multiple items doesn’t lead to more eggs) -Users can receive a maximum of 3 eggs by completing all 3 activities -This promotion is only open to signed up & verified users in Ontario. -Winners will be announced as an in-app post on April 14th. Each winner will get a chat message from the Karrot Team to redeem their prize.

      0 chats · 27 favourites · 4120 views
      Comments 93
      Joy profile page
      Downtown Commercial Core·No eggs yet but I’ll be looking out for those secret listings this week 😁👀👀
      Michael profile page
      Central London·An interesting and fun Easter Egg Hunt game from Karrot. Love it 🥕🐰❣️
      Birdie profile page
      Oakridge·Sounds like a fun way to celebrate the season.
      MikaOakwood Village·just made a sale! yay! :)
      Anna B profile page
      Anna B
      Humberlea·🥕🥕🐰🐰 Im ready!
      Cheerup profile page
      Willowdale E·Wow, sounds interesting and I hope to find eggs. 😉
      Lia profile page
      Islington·I just made a sale and collected 1 egg from it!
      Eve profile page
      Woodbridge Centre·🐣 🐰 Ooh this is SO Egg-citing!! I can't wait to collect 🥚🥚🥚 eggs in the Karrot Easter Egg Hunt! 🐰 🥕 Let's get cracking! 😆
      Celia profile page
      Pelmo Park·Looks like fun let’s do this !!!!
      Indu profile page
      Hillcrest Village·Awesome
      eve profile page
      Don Valley Village·I am in! just sold an item. so 1 egg 🥚 so far. hoping to collect more and find those secret posts! 😊 thanks karrot team for all the fun and engaging events!
      leti2022 profile page
      Malton·I'm ready for the Easter hunt challenge. good luck everyone 👋🎈🎈😉
      RP profile page
      Newtonbrook E·❤️❤️❤️
      neda profile page
      Henry Farm·I am so amazing 🤩
      Gary profile page
      Downtown·I bought 2 items yesterday. Should have bought today lol!
      cindy profile page
      Moore Park·Look at my profile, I have a lot Low priced item listed. I’m decluttering, tell me what you need, I may have. Let’s win eggs together! 🥚 🍳
      Mi profile page
      Bathurst Manor·I’m ready…
      Joy profile page
      Downtown Commercial Core·Not me refreshing the page every few minutes 😩 i wonder when the secret listing will be posted
      Cory profile page
      Wexford·Don’t like Starbucks
      withdrawn userThornhill S·Just bought books📚 so I collected 1 egg🐣
      Euphoria profile page
      River Oaks·I am literally giving away vintage themed art pieces handmade by artisans at a cheap cheap price, I am moving , so please check my listings
      Mac profile page
      York University Heights·no eggs but this is interesting
      Em profile page
      Danforth E York·let's fine the egg and bunny 🐇
      Kim profile page
      Bayview Woods·I’m in🍳
      Haru profile page
      Pelmo Park·Let’s get some eggs ! 🐰🥕🥚
      cami profile page
      Medway·Let’s find those eggs
      stickbyme profile page
      Steeles·I just made sales on golf polo shirt 🥕🥕
      meeya profile page
      Finch·sounds like a very fun event ♡♡
      Ara profile page
      Trinity Bellwoods·Just got my first egg! 🥚 I sold an item tonight! 😁💕
      Christy San profile page
      Christy San
      Willowdale E·Interesting event again! Thanks Karrot team 🙏🏻❤️😊
      withdrawn userThornhill N·:)
      Dee profile page
      Branson·sold an item, earned an egg!
      Deborah profile page
      Doncrest·I collected an egg 🥚 by finding it posted.
      CC profile page
      Parkwoods·Collected an egg by finding on a post
      Khushbu profile page
      Sheridan·This challenge is sooo EGG-citing!!! Collected a secret Easter🥚!! 🐰 🐇 Goodluck to all the participants! 🙌🙌
      shivi profile page
      Dovercourt·Yay collected the secret egg 🥚hoping to collect more by selling items 🤞🏻🤞🏻
      BrooklynRockcliffe·no eggs yet but still looking. Love this idea btw❤️
      Kancho profile page
      Finch·Collected two eggs today from a sale and by finding a secret egg! 🪺
      stickbyme profile page
      Steeles·Sold SHARK carpet cleaning machine. collect 2 eggs now
      steve profile page
      Hockaday Nestor·collected an egg :)
      Christy San profile page
      Christy San
      Willowdale E·Found a secret egg 🥚 too 😊❤️
      Dee profile page
      Branson·made a purchase - that makes two eggs for me.
      Luna profile page
      Markham Village·I just collected one egg! 😁 🥕🥚🐇
      g3t profile page
      Westminster·Just collected an egg by selling an item!
      Netski profile page
      Clairlea·Hopefully this is a chance at an egg!
      Lia profile page
      Islington·Just found a mystery egg!
      Anna B profile page
      Anna B
      Humberlea·friday apr 8 I made 2 purchases 🥕🥕 saturday apr 9 I made 2 purchases 🥕🥕 more to come 🥰
      Ciera profile page
      Rockcliffe·Hey, I sold 2 items yesterday! Does that mean I earned 2 eggs? 🥚🥚
      Eve profile page
      Woodbridge Centre·I'm going to earn 2 eggs🥚🥚today!!
      Prudenza profile page
      Humber Summit·Selling 17 books by Kathy Reichs
      Netski profile page
      Clairlea·When do you start doing pop-ups?
      Diana profile page
      Yonge Eglinton·I love this Community Please keep up the great work 🤗
      withdrawn userMount Pleasant W·Thursday Apr 7 I bought 1item for $40 Friday Apr 8 I sold 1item for $5
      Shonali profile page
      Downsview·How would I find a secret listing?
      withdrawn userMount Pleasant W·Tursday April 7 I sold 1item for $ 50 ,too
      Peace profile page
      Bayview Village·Let’s see
      WW profile page
      Mount Pleasant W·I have 3 eggs 😍😍😍 sold 3 items during this week! Love the app
      Jo Mel Rhyland profile page
      Jo Mel Rhyland
      Church Yonge Corridor·Not a good day today. Hope for the best. It's all good Karrot 🥕
      Alicia profile page
      Finch·I sold 4 items so far, so 4 eggs right now! 😊
      Joyce profile page
      Bayview Village·Just sold 1 item = 1 egg 😊
      Anna B profile page
      Anna B
      Humberlea·today I met 2 new sellers to buy items and I also made a sale of several items! 🥕🧡🥕🧡🥕🧡👏👏👏👏
      Vedia profile page
      Mount Dennis·love this! I just joined the app so hopefully I have enough time to complete everything for this hunt 🙂
      Eve profile page
      Woodbridge Centre·Yay! I sold 3 items and bought 3 items yesterday! Collected🥚🥚2 eggs and hoping to spot the secret listing to collect a 3rd egg! Thank you Karrot 😊 for this fun and entertaining 🐣Easter Egg Hunt! 🐰 It motivates us to declutter and give our stuff a new home 🏡 👏
      NayaRahma profile page
      Hillcrest Village·Awesome fun keep up the excitement!!!
      Sarah profile page
      Hillcrest Village·Participated 🐣🐣!! Got my one egg so far
      Lia profile page
      Islington·I found a hidden Easter egg!
      Anna B profile page
      Anna B
      Humberlea·woohoo! I found the 🥚👍🥕
      Lia profile page
      Islington·So now I have 2! I sold a jacket and found a secret Easter egg!
      stickbyme profile page
      Steeles·I just bought 2 shoes from karrot market. So far 4 eggs total🍳🍳🍳🍳
      stickbyme profile page
      Steeles·found secret egg 🍳 Left comment. 2 sold 2 purchase 1 secret egg 5 total 🍳🍳🍳🍳🍳
      Starface profile page
      L'amoreaux·I think I just found one egg while I was shopping??
      Eve profile page
      Woodbridge Centre·This morning, I found a secret 'Karrot Easter Egg 🐰 🥕' listing! It's the last one I needed to complete all 3 activities! 🐣 Yay!! That makes 3 eggs🥚🥚🥚for me now! I'm loving this Easter Egg Hunt! Thanks Karrot 🧡
      Vee profile page
      York University Heights·found an egg!
      moojeen profile page
      Vaughan·안녕하세요? 행복한 하루 되세요~~^^
      Carms profile page
      Finch·Still waiting for an egg 🧐
      Carms profile page
      Finch·I guess it’s too late someone got this egg right?
      Comments 93
      Joy profile page
      Downtown Commercial Core·No eggs yet but I’ll be looking out for those secret listings this week 😁👀👀
      Michael profile page
      Central London·An interesting and fun Easter Egg Hunt game from Karrot. Love it 🥕🐰❣️
      Birdie profile page
      Oakridge·Sounds like a fun way to celebrate the season.
      MikaOakwood Village·just made a sale! yay! :)
      Anna B profile page
      Anna B
      Humberlea·🥕🥕🐰🐰 Im ready!
      Cheerup profile page
      Willowdale E·Wow, sounds interesting and I hope to find eggs. 😉
      Lia profile page
      Islington·I just made a sale and collected 1 egg from it!
      Eve profile page
      Woodbridge Centre·🐣 🐰 Ooh this is SO Egg-citing!! I can't wait to collect 🥚🥚🥚 eggs in the Karrot Easter Egg Hunt! 🐰 🥕 Let's get cracking! 😆
      Celia profile page
      Pelmo Park·Looks like fun let’s do this !!!!
      Indu profile page
      Hillcrest Village·Awesome
      eve profile page
      Don Valley Village·I am in! just sold an item. so 1 egg 🥚 so far. hoping to collect more and find those secret posts! 😊 thanks karrot team for all the fun and engaging events!
      leti2022 profile page
      Malton·I'm ready for the Easter hunt challenge. good luck everyone 👋🎈🎈😉
      RP profile page
      Newtonbrook E·❤️❤️❤️
      neda profile page
      Henry Farm·I am so amazing 🤩
      Gary profile page
      Downtown·I bought 2 items yesterday. Should have bought today lol!
      cindy profile page
      Moore Park·Look at my profile, I have a lot Low priced item listed. I’m decluttering, tell me what you need, I may have. Let’s win eggs together! 🥚 🍳
      Mi profile page
      Bathurst Manor·I’m ready…
      Joy profile page
      Downtown Commercial Core·Not me refreshing the page every few minutes 😩 i wonder when the secret listing will be posted
      Cory profile page
      Wexford·Don’t like Starbucks
      withdrawn userThornhill S·Just bought books📚 so I collected 1 egg🐣
      Euphoria profile page
      River Oaks·I am literally giving away vintage themed art pieces handmade by artisans at a cheap cheap price, I am moving , so please check my listings
      Mac profile page
      York University Heights·no eggs but this is interesting
      Em profile page
      Danforth E York·let's fine the egg and bunny 🐇
      Kim profile page
      Bayview Woods·I’m in🍳
      Haru profile page
      Pelmo Park·Let’s get some eggs ! 🐰🥕🥚
      cami profile page
      Medway·Let’s find those eggs
      stickbyme profile page
      Steeles·I just made sales on golf polo shirt 🥕🥕
      meeya profile page
      Finch·sounds like a very fun event ♡♡
      Ara profile page
      Trinity Bellwoods·Just got my first egg! 🥚 I sold an item tonight! 😁💕
      Christy San profile page
      Christy San
      Willowdale E·Interesting event again! Thanks Karrot team 🙏🏻❤️😊
      withdrawn userThornhill N·:)
      Dee profile page
      Branson·sold an item, earned an egg!
      Deborah profile page
      Doncrest·I collected an egg 🥚 by finding it posted.
      CC profile page
      Parkwoods·Collected an egg by finding on a post
      Khushbu profile page
      Sheridan·This challenge is sooo EGG-citing!!! Collected a secret Easter🥚!! 🐰 🐇 Goodluck to all the participants! 🙌🙌
      shivi profile page
      Dovercourt·Yay collected the secret egg 🥚hoping to collect more by selling items 🤞🏻🤞🏻
      BrooklynRockcliffe·no eggs yet but still looking. Love this idea btw❤️
      Kancho profile page
      Finch·Collected two eggs today from a sale and by finding a secret egg! 🪺
      stickbyme profile page
      Steeles·Sold SHARK carpet cleaning machine. collect 2 eggs now
      steve profile page
      Hockaday Nestor·collected an egg :)
      Christy San profile page
      Christy San
      Willowdale E·Found a secret egg 🥚 too 😊❤️
      Dee profile page
      Branson·made a purchase - that makes two eggs for me.
      Luna profile page
      Markham Village·I just collected one egg! 😁 🥕🥚🐇
      g3t profile page
      Westminster·Just collected an egg by selling an item!
      Netski profile page
      Clairlea·Hopefully this is a chance at an egg!
      Lia profile page
      Islington·Just found a mystery egg!
      Anna B profile page
      Anna B
      Humberlea·friday apr 8 I made 2 purchases 🥕🥕 saturday apr 9 I made 2 purchases 🥕🥕 more to come 🥰
      Ciera profile page
      Rockcliffe·Hey, I sold 2 items yesterday! Does that mean I earned 2 eggs? 🥚🥚
      Eve profile page
      Woodbridge Centre·I'm going to earn 2 eggs🥚🥚today!!
      Prudenza profile page
      Humber Summit·Selling 17 books by Kathy Reichs
      Netski profile page
      Clairlea·When do you start doing pop-ups?
      Diana profile page
      Yonge Eglinton·I love this Community Please keep up the great work 🤗
      withdrawn userMount Pleasant W·Thursday Apr 7 I bought 1item for $40 Friday Apr 8 I sold 1item for $5
      Shonali profile page
      Downsview·How would I find a secret listing?
      withdrawn userMount Pleasant W·Tursday April 7 I sold 1item for $ 50 ,too
      Peace profile page
      Bayview Village·Let’s see
      WW profile page
      Mount Pleasant W·I have 3 eggs 😍😍😍 sold 3 items during this week! Love the app
      Jo Mel Rhyland profile page
      Jo Mel Rhyland
      Church Yonge Corridor·Not a good day today. Hope for the best. It's all good Karrot 🥕
      Alicia profile page
      Finch·I sold 4 items so far, so 4 eggs right now! 😊
      Joyce profile page
      Bayview Village·Just sold 1 item = 1 egg 😊
      Anna B profile page
      Anna B
      Humberlea·today I met 2 new sellers to buy items and I also made a sale of several items! 🥕🧡🥕🧡🥕🧡👏👏👏👏
      Vedia profile page
      Mount Dennis·love this! I just joined the app so hopefully I have enough time to complete everything for this hunt 🙂
      Eve profile page
      Woodbridge Centre·Yay! I sold 3 items and bought 3 items yesterday! Collected🥚🥚2 eggs and hoping to spot the secret listing to collect a 3rd egg! Thank you Karrot 😊 for this fun and entertaining 🐣Easter Egg Hunt! 🐰 It motivates us to declutter and give our stuff a new home 🏡 👏
      NayaRahma profile page
      Hillcrest Village·Awesome fun keep up the excitement!!!
      Sarah profile page
      Hillcrest Village·Participated 🐣🐣!! Got my one egg so far
      Lia profile page
      Islington·I found a hidden Easter egg!
      Anna B profile page
      Anna B
      Humberlea·woohoo! I found the 🥚👍🥕
      Lia profile page
      Islington·So now I have 2! I sold a jacket and found a secret Easter egg!
      stickbyme profile page
      Steeles·I just bought 2 shoes from karrot market. So far 4 eggs total🍳🍳🍳🍳
      stickbyme profile page
      Steeles·found secret egg 🍳 Left comment. 2 sold 2 purchase 1 secret egg 5 total 🍳🍳🍳🍳🍳
      Starface profile page
      L'amoreaux·I think I just found one egg while I was shopping??
      Eve profile page
      Woodbridge Centre·This morning, I found a secret 'Karrot Easter Egg 🐰 🥕' listing! It's the last one I needed to complete all 3 activities! 🐣 Yay!! That makes 3 eggs🥚🥚🥚for me now! I'm loving this Easter Egg Hunt! Thanks Karrot 🧡
      Vee profile page
      York University Heights·found an egg!
      moojeen profile page
      Vaughan·안녕하세요? 행복한 하루 되세요~~^^
      Carms profile page
      Finch·Still waiting for an egg 🧐
      Carms profile page
      Finch·I guess it’s too late someone got this egg right?
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