Meet Corimary! 🏡 Neighbourhood: Bay Street Corridor, Toronto 🚀 Karrot Status: Legendary Karroter 💗 Describe Karrot in 1 word: A gold mine 🌟 🥕 Corimary's profile: karrot://hash_users/VlqYm7Weje9ZB6G9 Q: First impression of Karrot? I first heard about Karrot through a friend but didn’t start using it immediately. A few months later, when we got an eviction notice due to new developments, I realized I had way too much stuff to deal with (I might be a bit of a hoarder, haha). So i decided to join and my first impression of my first sale was “wow that was so easy”! After that I posted another 20-30 listings and the rest is history. Q: Favourite part about the app? I love how quickly you can find exactly what you’re looking for on the app. It’s easy to get lost in browsing—one minute you’re looking at socks, and the next, you’re buying home decor! As someone with a disability, Karrot makes shopping super accessible since I can find everything in my local community. Plus, many users are incredibly accommodating and understanding of my situation. This community means a lot to me, and I’m really grateful to be a part of it. Q: Tips for selling? I keep my prices low because I know times are tough for many. I often participate in Freecycle and give away a lot of items. Having struggled financially in the past, I empathize with those who are going through hard times, and it feels great to help out. Now, I’m a devoted Karroter! Q: How have your buying or selling experiences been? I feel like I have my own little gift shop where my inventory is constantly changing. People have told me I have a lot of different things. There are a lot of repeat buyers, and I like the idea of creating my own little community! People can be so friendly…I got a bunch of stuff for my therapy dog at such good prices and the seller even came and brought it right to me! Q: Any memorable trades? It’s difficult to explain but one time I met this girl and we had this instant bond. It felt like I knew her my entire life and we continue to buy from each other to this day. She was actually going on a trip to the place I was born and I was able to bond with her by giving her tips. In another case, I bumped into a buyer I’d previously interacted with on other apps. We didn’t realize we already knew each other until we met up. Now, we’re going for coffee next week, and she’s my app-bestie. It feels great to be able to reconnect like that! Q: What makes the Karrot community special? I’ve done a 140 trades within the past 2 months. Everyone I had an interaction with was seriously fantastic. It is such a tight knit community where people actually care about you and everyone is so much more responsive whereas on other apps you’re waiting nearly days. I feel like I have a Karrot family, that’s an extension of my own family. I wouldn’t leave the app even if someone gave me an incentive to do so! Thanks for reading everyone! If you're interested in becoming the next "Karroter of the month" leave a comment below about what makes the Karrot community unique to you. We'll be picking from the comments!👇