Meet Shy! ❤️ 🏡 Neighbourhood: Alderwood, Etobicoke 🚀 Karrot Status: Skilled Karroter 💗 Describe Karrot in 1 word: Connection🌟 🥕 Shy's profile: karrot://hash_users/wA2zVZEMqwrZlePY Q: First Impression of Karrot? A: I was super impressed by the amount of listings within my neighbourhood, I hadn’t realized how much I could purchase just within my area. I really liked how it was location specific so I can see where everything is actually being posted. The location accuracy truly won me over and I liked how people within my own neighbourhood were reaching out to me. Q: Main motivation for choosing to buy and sell secondhand? A: I grew up thriving on hand me downs, so naturally I have a recycling mentality. I truly love the barter system and even in my own businesses I create sustainable practices. With Karrot, I like how things don’t end up in the landfill. I give away free stuff that I don’t find useful but it’s also super nice to see people are so grateful when they receive these items. Q: Most memorable transaction experience? A: We had a bunch of gym gear lying around, and I definitely had way too many shaker bottles. During a Freecycle exchange, a Karrot user came by and picked one up. He told me his bottle had gotten crushed at the gym, and he was planning to buy a new one in-store. I ended up giving him two extra bottles for free! The sweetest part? He surprised me by bringing something for me, a phone stand for my car, something I had actually been planning to buy soon. When I asked him why he brought it, he said it was all part of the Freecycle community!! It really hit me that Karrot users are genuinely the best, truly quality people!!! Q: What makes the Karrot community special? A: Other marketplaces are full of scammers. People are very disrespectful, and there is a ridiculous amount of lowballing. And they can also be from an hour away and still ask you to deliver these items or try to get them a month later!! You can’t trust a lot of the inquiries and its very frustrating. BUT, people on Karrot have a strong sense of community. Also to make it better, a lot of the people are verified. It is reassuring to see people with a blue badge. I feel safer transacting with them and trust the inquiries! Q: What is your favourite event on Karrot? A: I love freecycle!! It was actually my first time participating! It was super exciting & fun to go around and decide what can stay in my house and what needs to get booted haha! I thought it was great because I got to see the pure joy these products brought to people. Fun fact: I was addicted - I checked the app multiple times throughout the day, everyday! I loveee the game aspect of it because I get super competitive. If someone posts 40 items on freecycle, it makes me want to post 60! Check out Shy's custom cake and cookie business - let's support local! 🎂 Website: www.sweetandshycakes.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sweetandshycakes Thanks for reading everyone! If you're interested in becoming the next "Karroter of the month" leave a comment below about what makes the Karrot community unique to you. We'll be picking from the comments!👇