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    May Freecycle 🌼

    Wanted ·

    No Price

    Hey Karroters, It's everyone's favourite time of the month 🌸. Make sure to add Freecycle to your list of plans this week because we’re giving away LOTS OF PRIZES. To qualify for the draw you will only need to post just 1 free item and share why you’re giving it away in the comments. There’s no limit to the amount you give so if you have more to post then by all means keep on giving! Whether you’re new to Karroter or have already achieved Legendary Karroter status, Freecycle is a fun event for everyone to get involved in giving back to the community👏🏻. List at least 1 free item and you’ll be entered into our May Freecycle Draw. 🎁 Prize: 15x $100 Amazon Gift Cards - 5x gift cards for Ontario - 5x gift cards for British Columbia - 5x gift cards for Alberta 100x $5 Amazon Gift Cards 🥕 How it works: Step 1. List 1 free item on Karrot. Set the price to $0, and include #freecycle in the title Step 2. Share why you’re giving it away in the comments below Step 3. Wait for the winner announcement on May 30th You never know, something small and insignificant to you can put a smile on someone else’s face. Best of luck everyone and let’s get posting 🎊. Terms and Conditions - Users who upload one or more "freecycling listings" between May 23 0:00 - May 29 23:59 will be counted as valid entry. - Listings with price set at $0 with #freecycle tag in the title will be counted as a valid "freecycling listing". - Listings must be given away for free and cannot be sold for $. All listings and chats will be monitored and any listing found to be fake or ingenuine will be disqualified. - Winners will be randomly selected. - Event is only available to users who live in Canada. - Listings must include pictures of actual items and an accurate description. - Listings must follow Karrot's guidelines and policies. Items listed in Karrot's Prohibited Items will be excluded. - Karrot reserves the right to modify, cancel and limit any promotion at any time and without prior notice.

      0 chats · 147 favourites · 28961 views
      Comments 131
      Living Angel profile page
      Living Angel
      Henry Farm·I just posted a #freecycle #fooddrive I'm helping a family in need
      Amy Roy profile page
      Amy Roy
      Crown Point W·interested in your food drjve
      Amy Roy profile page
      Amy Roy
      Crown Point W·please contact me as soon as you are available I'm interested on your food drive and would be very much appreciated from my self and my son
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Count me in for donations of dry goods!!
      Jeannette profile page
      Portsmouth·senior in need here , would really appreciate consideration thank you
      Sink profile page
      Black Creek·Giving away 2 posters of Minecraft and Spiderman!! 🥕🥕🥕
      jordan profile page
      Thorold·can I get that please say yes my lil nephew will be over Da moon if I could give him thos
      jordan profile page
      Thorold·so 1 minecraft & 1 spiderman I take it
      Jenny profile page
      Blundell·giving away because no longer using!
      sue profile page
      S Windsor·how do I put an item on here
      Joyce profile page
      Bayview Village·just posted 1 up!
      J L profile page
      J L
      Crescent Heights·My Apple travel plug can live a new life of adventure with someone else, since I upgraded my mac. posted for free!
      Montse profile page
      Kitsilano·Gifting a travel size masculine roll-on fragrance. It was given to my partner but he does not use it.
      KarrotSnugBugBay Street Corridor·Done ✅ Giving away a rack
      sue profile page
      S Windsor·what kind of rack I'm interested in a rack I could hang clothes on. I have a lot of new clothes to sell
      Jong Kim Martial Art profile page
      Jong Kim Martial Art
      Strawberry Hill·posted #freecycle. giving free trial for kids to see if they like it first. I'm new to karrot. 🙏😅
      Mich profile page
      L'amoreaux·Posted charm for free .. will post more free item
      sere profile page
      Williamsburg·#freecycle extra office supplies giving away so someone can use it
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·I am very interested in being gifted office supplies trying to start home based not for profit business.
      Saad profile page
      Martindale·just posted 1 up too .
      Wendy profile page
      Church Yonge Corridor·giving away a red laser pointer (great toy if you have a pet cat !)
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·planning on fostering for adoption senior cat & dog in the near future!! would be great toy for both of them!!😊😁😂
      Diana Selling goods profile page
      Diana Selling goods
      Humbermede·Giving away free lashes! I have way too many lashes! But It’s great for prom, birthday, weddings, or everyday use :)
      Sarah profile page
      Kennedy Park·Done 😏I’m posted
      A RosannaCity Center·Giving away my bunny fluffy! I love it and want to pass this enjoyment to the next luck person 💖
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Are we talking a real live nose twitching fluffy bunny? I am definitely interested!! Let's Chat!!!😁
      Sue profile page
      Cariboo Armstrong·Giving away a pair of women’s Reebok fitness shoes. I enjoyed them and now ready to pass them off to someone else who can enjoy them too! 🥕 Check out this ‘#freecycle 🥕 Reebok women’s shoes size 8.5’ on Karrot! The local community marketplace app:
      CarrHunger profile page
      Don Valley Village·#freecycle most of a violin as we had acquired it amongst random items in a previous trade. Our plan was to convert it into a jewelry box or something, but we have too many things on the go and know we won’t get to it. Anyone else able to use this?
      AlyshaSunset·Posted! Giving away Halloween treat bags. They were purchased before Covid for a Halloween event and I had extras. Dont need them anymore and would like to give it to someone who may use it this Halloween. #freecycle
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·I'm interested in acquiring them to use as donations for families in need!! msg. me back re: meet up, Needs to be on or close to Transit for my part!! Thanx in advance for your consideration.
      Mel profile page
      East Vancouver·Giving away a bag and some clothings from spring decluttering! Hope they go to a good home
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Definitely interested!! If can't use will pass along or donate . 8; D ❤️💕❤️
      kashWhalley·I am in
      GG profile page
      Church and Wellesley·Posted ☺️ spring cleaning
      Goat profile page
      Downtown·#freecycle bike phone carrier... hit wrong button on temu and accidentally bought two on purpose kinda maybe either I only need one
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Very interested please send pick up details in meet set up!!😁
      Stewart profile page
      City Centre·Step 2 - I am giving away my car cell phone holder after getting another that attaches to a cup holder instead
      Divina profile page
      Cliffcrest·Posted! 🌸 Doing some spring cleaning and getting rid of stuff I no longer need/use
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Looking for some household items and home furnishings!! Free/or negotiable.
      Frank profile page
      Fashion District·Always like, taking advantage of giving things for free. It’s a good feeling sharing with others. All the best, Frank
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Do you have any Freecyclables you're willing to part with??
      WaterBear profile page
      Unionville·Nothing wasted! Helping to declutter Grandma’s house.
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Very interested need household goods & furnishings the older the better (antiques)!!😁
      Sam B profile page
      Sam B
      O'Neill·I listed a Frosted Dome Light for free so someone else can make good use of it because it is still in good condition and I would hate to have to throw it out.
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Could definitely use!! Please msg. with pick-up details!! Thanx ☺️
      Alyshah profile page
      Steeles·Just posted my #freecycle item. Giving away a keychain bottle opener with The Owl and Firkin branding on it. Have so many bottle openers and trying to declutter!
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Interested in any you are okay parting with. Collector!!❤️😁
      Johan profile page
      Downsview·giving away a pair of men's slippers I just have a bunch. #freecycle good luck contestants !!!
      ShaRul profile page
      King East·I am giving away many things in karrot this month as I have shifted places and found many things which are not as useful to me and can be useful to anyone else.
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Any chance you could be a little more specific regarding type of unwanted items. Please include pick-up details in reply.
      Diana Selling goods profile page
      Diana Selling goods
      Humbermede·Giving away a brand new free small bag sac that I have never used. Since I’m not interested in it anymore I have posted it on Karrot so another Karrotor can make use of it :)
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Please define bag sac, not sure what this is?
      Diana Selling goods profile page
      Diana Selling goods
      Humbermede·I’m giving away a free mini bodycare set because I haven’t used it :)
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·How mini is it? Please provide pick-up details in response. Thank you!!
      Love profile page
      Parkdale·giving away a small crystal basket because it seemed like a lot of ppl were interested and now that it's free it's easier to obtain
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Well that certainly is a bonus, would LOVE to Obtain said Crystal Basket ❤️💕❤️!!
      Liz profile page
      Fashion District·Giving away free hairspray, Pokémon book and figurine.
      Fern profile page
      Southgate·Hi. This bike trailer is waiting to be fixed/parted to keep out of landfill fellow karroters!
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·You're On!! Please send details re: pick-up!!☺️😊😁❤️💕❤️
      Shraddha profile page
      High Park N·posed a new Spatula set... I was keeping this in my storage, and I may not use them
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Would be Happy to take them off your hands can make good use of them !!!❤️💕❤️😁
      Saber profile page
      Downtown·giving vintage cotton eye mask because I have many 🥸. this one is especially good for sensitive skin as it's 💯% cotton
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Interested, please provide p-u details!!😊
      Aby profile page
      Cumberland·#Freecycle giving away a Canadian tire flyer I don’t shop at Canadian Tire so I don’t need it
      Parii profile page
      Downtown Brampton·Freecycle event is here again. 😍 I’ll be posting several free items this week that will be new and unused. Free item that I posted today is Hair Bow for women and girls. It’s new and very pretty #freecycle 🥕 Giving it away so that I can bring smile on someone’s face. I have been giving away free items for very long and it makes me so happy when I bring smile on someone’s face☺️ I hope you like this hair bow😊 Check out this ‘Hair Bow for free (Hair Accessories) #freecycle’ on Karrot! The local community marketplace app:
      Eve profile page
      Woodbridge·Yay!! May Freecycle! 🌼 I'm in! SHOP for SALE and FREE items! 🛍 Direct Link to Eve's Profile 🩷🧡 📍Click below ⬇️
      Mimi profile page
      Parkdale·I am in with a hdmi cable that I am not using anymore. #freecycle
      Ash profile page
      Edmonds·Hi everyone! I’m moving and need to declutter while slowly packing! I’m giving away a small decorative mirror and a book! Check out my other listings as well 🥰 Check out this ‘#freecycle small mirror decor’ on Karrot! The local community marketplace app:
      james profile page
      Edmonds·Giving away brand new monkey toy - #freecycle
      Jiawen profile page
      Church and Wellesley·Gave away a bunch and also listing a bunch of giveaway to people who are in need of some simple organizational stuff!
      Jiawen profile page
      Church and Wellesley·Check out what other #freecycle items I will post!
      Prish profile page
      Yonge and Lawrence·posted a free Brita jug!
      Breanne profile page
      Regent Park·Giving away some seeds just in time for gardening season🙂🥕
      Hilary profile page
      Mckenzie Lake·I’m giving away a pink Y2K bracelet. My wrists are very small but the bracelet fits normal sized wrists. It’s a very pretty bracelet with a cute butterfly charm. I had it listed previously for $1 but now I’m listing it as free! 🦋
      Randy Rimstad profile page
      Randy Rimstad
      McCauley·sad,to see such a long time friend change unbeiv able dad fay
      Joan profile page
      Cranston·This is perfect! 🌼🌸 #freecycle Giving away a bicycle for kids for those kid who love to ride a bike this spring season.
      Rosie profile page
      Downsview·I’m in, I posted a woman summer tank top that I barely wore so I’m giving it away. I will be adding more free items as well :)
      Amy Roy profile page
      Amy Roy
      Crown Point W·#FreeCycle#. a hair piece attached to a hat with the Box of hair growth kit 60aplications. I was inspired by carrot I'm a fairly new member and when I seen their ad I wanted to do something for people who were in need of help and I hope the item I have posted for free can help someone that's struggling. This post for "Free' charity Would have never happened had I not have signed up for Karrot and when I seen you guys are doing a free post section I thought it was a great thing you can do gir any and everyone in need it's not easy these daysand I'm glad to be a part of what you have made for people in need.
      Jody profile page
      Glenora·I am giving my boots away because I know that some women (especially single moms struggling) can't afford a new pair of boots. I want to help make them feel good and look good.
      Jellybean profile page
      Mount Pleasant·# freecycle , giving it away to bring alil sparkle to someone’s day🌸
      T U profile page
      T U
      Cabbagetown·I enjoy this contest as it motivates me to declutter and give away things that can be of use to someone else 🥕 #freecycle I'm in 😀
      sarah profile page
      Finch·I'm sharing because I don't need it
      Montse profile page
      Kitsilano·Giving away a root veggie & quinoa pastry, as neither me or my partner will eat it. It would be a shame to waste it!
      Shraddha profile page
      High Park N·posted a long dress and I think I wont use it so happy to pass on
      MaggieBroadview N·I just posted 4 free items - just de-cluttering!
      ShaniaBayview Village·Just about to post some books for free ☺️! Hopefully they’ll entertain another user
      Sam profile page
      Branson·I'm in ! ☺️
      Fibi profile page
      Marlborough·I just posted a free plant Kalanchoe. I planted it myself and want to give it away to simply make someone smile :)
      CarrHunger profile page
      Don Valley Village·I don’t know if this counts but we just posted in wanted and put a #freecycle tag on it. We are two entertainment industry professionals who had to leave production due to burnout and mental health reasons. We are attempting a small business to bring in a little funds and repurpose materials to keep our brains active. We would be happy to freecycle, value to value, with any of our sales items. It must be value to value but this process should keep things out of the trash.
      Kathy profile page
      Cornell·I posted some shirts and some kitchen items I’m trying to clear out from various “must take all” lots from freecycling so passing on the extras I didn’t need
      Astrid profile page
      Cochrane·Giving away " #freecycle ATCO GRILLING COOKBOOK," I received it as a gift, removed the covering and it is ready to go to one lucky homeowner just in time for GRILLING SEASON 😁🤗🥕
      Sam Park profile page
      Sam Park
      Desrochers Area·Giving off Kaplan DAT study book since i ended up not taking the test after all. Willing to give it out to someone in need with the desire to ACE the test and help save them few bucks. Happy May #freecycle
      Sam Park profile page
      Sam Park
      Desrochers Area·Posted an PECHAM cordless waterpik. Recently upgraded mine for a better one bought in Costco. it’s May #freecycle so will give it out to someone in need 🤗
      Rabia profile page
      Thorncliffe Park·given away because no longer using 🥕🥕🥕
      Amber profile page
      Graydon Hill·Giving away pregnancy/birth related items as it’s nice to help a new mom to be!
      Addison profile page
      Capilano·Giving away- a game Was very fun for our family, but now don’t need anymore ! Have lots of other free items. I’m giving away too either because our family just doesn’t use them or we don’t need them.
      Gur profile page
      Shellmont·some might need it
      Alice profile page
      Steeles·Giving away a few hoodies and vest that my child outgrew to someone can use.
      Ammarah profile page
      Leslie Valley·I just posted women handbags (three) for #freecycle in hopes it'll be helpful for someone in need.
      Dominica profile page
      Falconridge·#freecycle small Table
      Dominica profile page
      Falconridge·#freecycle large umbrella
      ThornhillSeller123 profile page
      Thornhill S·#freecycle (May 2024) Shoppers Drug Mart Reusable Green Bag With White Flower Design New With Tag We used it only once. We have too many reusable bags at home. We keep forgetting to bring them. This is one of the few bags with tags. We don't need it. We don't want it. Please check out my other listings! ☺️ You might find other things you're interested in!! 😁👍 Thank you and have a great day! 🙂
      ThornhillSeller123 profile page
      Thornhill S·An awesome buyer 😎 bought a lot from me today 😁 it just so happens to all fit in this #freecycle bag 💰 so I gave it as a freebie too 👍 many thanks 🙏 to the amazing buyer 😎 and Karrot 🥕 for making it possible 😊 To whom may be reading this, Please check out my other listings! ☺️ You might find other things you're interested in!! 😁👍 Thank you and have a great day! 🙂
      Ernie profile page
      Renfrew·#freecycle I hockey cards given to me. This is a way for me to pay it forward
      Buzzy profile page
      Tsawwassen·#freecycle glassware cabinet downsizing and decluttering!
      Poonam profile page
      Trinity·#freecycle Giving free aloevera plant 😊
      anya profile page
      Vaughan·#freecycle I am giving away my mac lipstick because I do not need it so I thought someone else could use it!
      Souna profile page
      N St. James Town·I will also post free cycles 😍❤️
      AmberArgyle·#freecycle- just posted newborn and size 1 diapers for free! Diapers are not cheap, so I hope it helps a mama out! Roughly 100 diapers in total!!
      Becky profile page
      E End Danforth·I would like to give it away my black glass dinning table and has a 4 chairs if anyone interested please let me know. Needed to be pick up by tonight or Sunday evening. Thanks.
      Susen profile page
      Glenbrook·#freecycle I’m giving away a Corkcicle mug because I was gifted a new one.
      Shaggy profile page
      Cloverdale·giving away a set of complete wheels R14s taken off of a 97 Corolla
      Lisa profile page
      High Park N·Posted free fluorescent light if anyone can use
      Meghan profile page
      Downtown·Yus! Please include me in this one! :)
      Hailey profile page
      Northeast Edmonton·giving away a male dog belly band size small never been used. Giving away because it doesn't fit my dog
      Eliza Beth profile page
      Eliza Beth
      La Perle·Giving away boys sneakers size 6 #freecycle
      Comments 131
      Living Angel profile page
      Living Angel
      Henry Farm·I just posted a #freecycle #fooddrive I'm helping a family in need
      Amy Roy profile page
      Amy Roy
      Crown Point W·interested in your food drjve
      Amy Roy profile page
      Amy Roy
      Crown Point W·please contact me as soon as you are available I'm interested on your food drive and would be very much appreciated from my self and my son
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Count me in for donations of dry goods!!
      Jeannette profile page
      Portsmouth·senior in need here , would really appreciate consideration thank you
      Sink profile page
      Black Creek·Giving away 2 posters of Minecraft and Spiderman!! 🥕🥕🥕
      jordan profile page
      Thorold·can I get that please say yes my lil nephew will be over Da moon if I could give him thos
      jordan profile page
      Thorold·so 1 minecraft & 1 spiderman I take it
      Jenny profile page
      Blundell·giving away because no longer using!
      sue profile page
      S Windsor·how do I put an item on here
      Joyce profile page
      Bayview Village·just posted 1 up!
      J L profile page
      J L
      Crescent Heights·My Apple travel plug can live a new life of adventure with someone else, since I upgraded my mac. posted for free!
      Montse profile page
      Kitsilano·Gifting a travel size masculine roll-on fragrance. It was given to my partner but he does not use it.
      KarrotSnugBugBay Street Corridor·Done ✅ Giving away a rack
      sue profile page
      S Windsor·what kind of rack I'm interested in a rack I could hang clothes on. I have a lot of new clothes to sell
      Jong Kim Martial Art profile page
      Jong Kim Martial Art
      Strawberry Hill·posted #freecycle. giving free trial for kids to see if they like it first. I'm new to karrot. 🙏😅
      Mich profile page
      L'amoreaux·Posted charm for free .. will post more free item
      sere profile page
      Williamsburg·#freecycle extra office supplies giving away so someone can use it
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·I am very interested in being gifted office supplies trying to start home based not for profit business.
      Saad profile page
      Martindale·just posted 1 up too .
      Wendy profile page
      Church Yonge Corridor·giving away a red laser pointer (great toy if you have a pet cat !)
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·planning on fostering for adoption senior cat & dog in the near future!! would be great toy for both of them!!😊😁😂
      Diana Selling goods profile page
      Diana Selling goods
      Humbermede·Giving away free lashes! I have way too many lashes! But It’s great for prom, birthday, weddings, or everyday use :)
      Sarah profile page
      Kennedy Park·Done 😏I’m posted
      A RosannaCity Center·Giving away my bunny fluffy! I love it and want to pass this enjoyment to the next luck person 💖
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Are we talking a real live nose twitching fluffy bunny? I am definitely interested!! Let's Chat!!!😁
      Sue profile page
      Cariboo Armstrong·Giving away a pair of women’s Reebok fitness shoes. I enjoyed them and now ready to pass them off to someone else who can enjoy them too! 🥕 Check out this ‘#freecycle 🥕 Reebok women’s shoes size 8.5’ on Karrot! The local community marketplace app:
      CarrHunger profile page
      Don Valley Village·#freecycle most of a violin as we had acquired it amongst random items in a previous trade. Our plan was to convert it into a jewelry box or something, but we have too many things on the go and know we won’t get to it. Anyone else able to use this?
      AlyshaSunset·Posted! Giving away Halloween treat bags. They were purchased before Covid for a Halloween event and I had extras. Dont need them anymore and would like to give it to someone who may use it this Halloween. #freecycle
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·I'm interested in acquiring them to use as donations for families in need!! msg. me back re: meet up, Needs to be on or close to Transit for my part!! Thanx in advance for your consideration.
      Mel profile page
      East Vancouver·Giving away a bag and some clothings from spring decluttering! Hope they go to a good home
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Definitely interested!! If can't use will pass along or donate . 8; D ❤️💕❤️
      kashWhalley·I am in
      GG profile page
      Church and Wellesley·Posted ☺️ spring cleaning
      Goat profile page
      Downtown·#freecycle bike phone carrier... hit wrong button on temu and accidentally bought two on purpose kinda maybe either I only need one
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Very interested please send pick up details in meet set up!!😁
      Stewart profile page
      City Centre·Step 2 - I am giving away my car cell phone holder after getting another that attaches to a cup holder instead
      Divina profile page
      Cliffcrest·Posted! 🌸 Doing some spring cleaning and getting rid of stuff I no longer need/use
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Looking for some household items and home furnishings!! Free/or negotiable.
      Frank profile page
      Fashion District·Always like, taking advantage of giving things for free. It’s a good feeling sharing with others. All the best, Frank
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Do you have any Freecyclables you're willing to part with??
      WaterBear profile page
      Unionville·Nothing wasted! Helping to declutter Grandma’s house.
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Very interested need household goods & furnishings the older the better (antiques)!!😁
      Sam B profile page
      Sam B
      O'Neill·I listed a Frosted Dome Light for free so someone else can make good use of it because it is still in good condition and I would hate to have to throw it out.
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Could definitely use!! Please msg. with pick-up details!! Thanx ☺️
      Alyshah profile page
      Steeles·Just posted my #freecycle item. Giving away a keychain bottle opener with The Owl and Firkin branding on it. Have so many bottle openers and trying to declutter!
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Interested in any you are okay parting with. Collector!!❤️😁
      Johan profile page
      Downsview·giving away a pair of men's slippers I just have a bunch. #freecycle good luck contestants !!!
      ShaRul profile page
      King East·I am giving away many things in karrot this month as I have shifted places and found many things which are not as useful to me and can be useful to anyone else.
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Any chance you could be a little more specific regarding type of unwanted items. Please include pick-up details in reply.
      Diana Selling goods profile page
      Diana Selling goods
      Humbermede·Giving away a brand new free small bag sac that I have never used. Since I’m not interested in it anymore I have posted it on Karrot so another Karrotor can make use of it :)
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Please define bag sac, not sure what this is?
      Diana Selling goods profile page
      Diana Selling goods
      Humbermede·I’m giving away a free mini bodycare set because I haven’t used it :)
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·How mini is it? Please provide pick-up details in response. Thank you!!
      Love profile page
      Parkdale·giving away a small crystal basket because it seemed like a lot of ppl were interested and now that it's free it's easier to obtain
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Well that certainly is a bonus, would LOVE to Obtain said Crystal Basket ❤️💕❤️!!
      Liz profile page
      Fashion District·Giving away free hairspray, Pokémon book and figurine.
      Fern profile page
      Southgate·Hi. This bike trailer is waiting to be fixed/parted to keep out of landfill fellow karroters!
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·You're On!! Please send details re: pick-up!!☺️😊😁❤️💕❤️
      Shraddha profile page
      High Park N·posed a new Spatula set... I was keeping this in my storage, and I may not use them
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Would be Happy to take them off your hands can make good use of them !!!❤️💕❤️😁
      Saber profile page
      Downtown·giving vintage cotton eye mask because I have many 🥸. this one is especially good for sensitive skin as it's 💯% cotton
      Deborah Wallace profile page
      Deborah Wallace
      Strathcona·Interested, please provide p-u details!!😊
      Aby profile page
      Cumberland·#Freecycle giving away a Canadian tire flyer I don’t shop at Canadian Tire so I don’t need it
      Parii profile page
      Downtown Brampton·Freecycle event is here again. 😍 I’ll be posting several free items this week that will be new and unused. Free item that I posted today is Hair Bow for women and girls. It’s new and very pretty #freecycle 🥕 Giving it away so that I can bring smile on someone’s face. I have been giving away free items for very long and it makes me so happy when I bring smile on someone’s face☺️ I hope you like this hair bow😊 Check out this ‘Hair Bow for free (Hair Accessories) #freecycle’ on Karrot! The local community marketplace app:
      Eve profile page
      Woodbridge·Yay!! May Freecycle! 🌼 I'm in! SHOP for SALE and FREE items! 🛍 Direct Link to Eve's Profile 🩷🧡 📍Click below ⬇️
      Mimi profile page
      Parkdale·I am in with a hdmi cable that I am not using anymore. #freecycle
      Ash profile page
      Edmonds·Hi everyone! I’m moving and need to declutter while slowly packing! I’m giving away a small decorative mirror and a book! Check out my other listings as well 🥰 Check out this ‘#freecycle small mirror decor’ on Karrot! The local community marketplace app:
      james profile page
      Edmonds·Giving away brand new monkey toy - #freecycle
      Jiawen profile page
      Church and Wellesley·Gave away a bunch and also listing a bunch of giveaway to people who are in need of some simple organizational stuff!
      Jiawen profile page
      Church and Wellesley·Check out what other #freecycle items I will post!
      Prish profile page
      Yonge and Lawrence·posted a free Brita jug!
      Breanne profile page
      Regent Park·Giving away some seeds just in time for gardening season🙂🥕
      Hilary profile page
      Mckenzie Lake·I’m giving away a pink Y2K bracelet. My wrists are very small but the bracelet fits normal sized wrists. It’s a very pretty bracelet with a cute butterfly charm. I had it listed previously for $1 but now I’m listing it as free! 🦋
      Randy Rimstad profile page
      Randy Rimstad
      McCauley·sad,to see such a long time friend change unbeiv able dad fay
      Joan profile page
      Cranston·This is perfect! 🌼🌸 #freecycle Giving away a bicycle for kids for those kid who love to ride a bike this spring season.
      Rosie profile page
      Downsview·I’m in, I posted a woman summer tank top that I barely wore so I’m giving it away. I will be adding more free items as well :)
      Amy Roy profile page
      Amy Roy
      Crown Point W·#FreeCycle#. a hair piece attached to a hat with the Box of hair growth kit 60aplications. I was inspired by carrot I'm a fairly new member and when I seen their ad I wanted to do something for people who were in need of help and I hope the item I have posted for free can help someone that's struggling. This post for "Free' charity Would have never happened had I not have signed up for Karrot and when I seen you guys are doing a free post section I thought it was a great thing you can do gir any and everyone in need it's not easy these daysand I'm glad to be a part of what you have made for people in need.
      Jody profile page
      Glenora·I am giving my boots away because I know that some women (especially single moms struggling) can't afford a new pair of boots. I want to help make them feel good and look good.
      Jellybean profile page
      Mount Pleasant·# freecycle , giving it away to bring alil sparkle to someone’s day🌸
      T U profile page
      T U
      Cabbagetown·I enjoy this contest as it motivates me to declutter and give away things that can be of use to someone else 🥕 #freecycle I'm in 😀
      sarah profile page
      Finch·I'm sharing because I don't need it
      Montse profile page
      Kitsilano·Giving away a root veggie & quinoa pastry, as neither me or my partner will eat it. It would be a shame to waste it!
      Shraddha profile page
      High Park N·posted a long dress and I think I wont use it so happy to pass on
      MaggieBroadview N·I just posted 4 free items - just de-cluttering!
      ShaniaBayview Village·Just about to post some books for free ☺️! Hopefully they’ll entertain another user
      Sam profile page
      Branson·I'm in ! ☺️
      Fibi profile page
      Marlborough·I just posted a free plant Kalanchoe. I planted it myself and want to give it away to simply make someone smile :)
      CarrHunger profile page
      Don Valley Village·I don’t know if this counts but we just posted in wanted and put a #freecycle tag on it. We are two entertainment industry professionals who had to leave production due to burnout and mental health reasons. We are attempting a small business to bring in a little funds and repurpose materials to keep our brains active. We would be happy to freecycle, value to value, with any of our sales items. It must be value to value but this process should keep things out of the trash.
      Kathy profile page
      Cornell·I posted some shirts and some kitchen items I’m trying to clear out from various “must take all” lots from freecycling so passing on the extras I didn’t need
      Astrid profile page
      Cochrane·Giving away " #freecycle ATCO GRILLING COOKBOOK," I received it as a gift, removed the covering and it is ready to go to one lucky homeowner just in time for GRILLING SEASON 😁🤗🥕
      Sam Park profile page
      Sam Park
      Desrochers Area·Giving off Kaplan DAT study book since i ended up not taking the test after all. Willing to give it out to someone in need with the desire to ACE the test and help save them few bucks. Happy May #freecycle
      Sam Park profile page
      Sam Park
      Desrochers Area·Posted an PECHAM cordless waterpik. Recently upgraded mine for a better one bought in Costco. it’s May #freecycle so will give it out to someone in need 🤗
      Rabia profile page
      Thorncliffe Park·given away because no longer using 🥕🥕🥕
      Amber profile page
      Graydon Hill·Giving away pregnancy/birth related items as it’s nice to help a new mom to be!
      Addison profile page
      Capilano·Giving away- a game Was very fun for our family, but now don’t need anymore ! Have lots of other free items. I’m giving away too either because our family just doesn’t use them or we don’t need them.
      Gur profile page
      Shellmont·some might need it
      Alice profile page
      Steeles·Giving away a few hoodies and vest that my child outgrew to someone can use.
      Ammarah profile page
      Leslie Valley·I just posted women handbags (three) for #freecycle in hopes it'll be helpful for someone in need.
      Dominica profile page
      Falconridge·#freecycle small Table
      Dominica profile page
      Falconridge·#freecycle large umbrella
      ThornhillSeller123 profile page
      Thornhill S·#freecycle (May 2024) Shoppers Drug Mart Reusable Green Bag With White Flower Design New With Tag We used it only once. We have too many reusable bags at home. We keep forgetting to bring them. This is one of the few bags with tags. We don't need it. We don't want it. Please check out my other listings! ☺️ You might find other things you're interested in!! 😁👍 Thank you and have a great day! 🙂
      ThornhillSeller123 profile page
      Thornhill S·An awesome buyer 😎 bought a lot from me today 😁 it just so happens to all fit in this #freecycle bag 💰 so I gave it as a freebie too 👍 many thanks 🙏 to the amazing buyer 😎 and Karrot 🥕 for making it possible 😊 To whom may be reading this, Please check out my other listings! ☺️ You might find other things you're interested in!! 😁👍 Thank you and have a great day! 🙂
      Ernie profile page
      Renfrew·#freecycle I hockey cards given to me. This is a way for me to pay it forward
      Buzzy profile page
      Tsawwassen·#freecycle glassware cabinet downsizing and decluttering!
      Poonam profile page
      Trinity·#freecycle Giving free aloevera plant 😊
      anya profile page
      Vaughan·#freecycle I am giving away my mac lipstick because I do not need it so I thought someone else could use it!
      Souna profile page
      N St. James Town·I will also post free cycles 😍❤️
      AmberArgyle·#freecycle- just posted newborn and size 1 diapers for free! Diapers are not cheap, so I hope it helps a mama out! Roughly 100 diapers in total!!
      Becky profile page
      E End Danforth·I would like to give it away my black glass dinning table and has a 4 chairs if anyone interested please let me know. Needed to be pick up by tonight or Sunday evening. Thanks.
      Susen profile page
      Glenbrook·#freecycle I’m giving away a Corkcicle mug because I was gifted a new one.
      Shaggy profile page
      Cloverdale·giving away a set of complete wheels R14s taken off of a 97 Corolla
      Lisa profile page
      High Park N·Posted free fluorescent light if anyone can use
      Meghan profile page
      Downtown·Yus! Please include me in this one! :)
      Hailey profile page
      Northeast Edmonton·giving away a male dog belly band size small never been used. Giving away because it doesn't fit my dog
      Eliza Beth profile page
      Eliza Beth
      La Perle·Giving away boys sneakers size 6 #freecycle
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