🏡 Neighbourhood: Bendale, Scarborough 🚀 Karrot Status: Skilled Karroter 💗 Describe Karrot in a phrase: “Sustainable community!” 🥕 Hillary's profile: karrot://hash_users/Vkxz8o6G9BVZqDXA Why Choose Secondhand? I wanted to get rid of some stuff at home for decluttering purposes. I have a large plant collection and they grow so much that I need to sell the cuttings. To be honest I only used it for selling plants in the beginning and then it became more of a seasonal thing. Now I use it for buying and selling everything cause I’ve had such positive experiences. Why Karrot? It’s neighbourhood friendly, and I really do feel that! The ability to search within your area knowing that the location is accurate makes walking or driving short distances to pick up an item super convenient. Thankfully all the people that I’ve met have been super friendly. On other marketplaces usually by the time I talk to a few people I encounter a couple of questionable ones. I think knowing that people are in your neighbourhood and have been verified makes Karrot feel safer. Memorable Karrot Story Recently, I saw this new bookshelf posted for sale that would be perfect for my classroom. This lady posted it for $20 which was already super cheap, but I asked her if she would be open to selling it for $15. I told her that I’m a teacher and this would be really great for my classroom, so I would appreciate any discount she could give. She was really generous and ended up offering it to me for $12! I don’t always have access to a car and she lived in Guildwood so we were trying to find a suitable meet up spot. In the end she was able to meet me at the grocery store just 3 min from my house. She was so sweet accommodating. Best item I’ve ever scored! Referral Sharing Tips I genuinely do love the app so much that I don’t mind sharing it. If my coworkers are talking about a similar topic I always mention Karrot. I usually send my link when people ask but now I even promote my own success on multiple Instagram accounts. And then when people respond to my stories I’ll share my referral link. I also post on my personal account and have had quite a few friends who’ve messaged me asking how it compares to FB. I get $5 and they get $10 so it’s a win win for us both! Chatting Tips You just have to be respectful with everyone you talk to, and as a seller you want to give a good impression. Use proper sentences so you come across as genuine and respond in a timely manner. It shows that you’re willing to take the time to talk to the person. If it’s not available or you don’t want to sell it, just be upfront and tell them. Closure is good and communication is always appreciated. Searching Tips Try searching the main feed instead of using the search feature. I usually just scroll through the main tab because I can thrift through different items within my area. I hate when i find something on FB and it turns out to be 2 hours away…it gets my hopes up. On Karrot, if I see an item I know the exact location of it and sometimes you can find interesting stuff you weren’t intentionally looking for. Thanks for reading everyone! If you're interested in becoming the next "Karroter of the month" leave a comment below about what makes the Karrot community unique to you. We'll be picking from the comments!👇