Osborn's Brain: Imaging, Pathology, and Anatomyis the much-pleaded-for successor to Anne G. Osborn's 1993 award winning bookDiagnostic Neuroradiology(a.k.a. “The Red Book), which became one of the all-time bestselling neuroradiology texts. 1st Edition In this highly anticipated 1,200-page volume, Anne Osborn applies her special touch to make complex topics visually appealing and easy to understand. It wraps the “must know aspects of brain imaging together with spectacular pathology examples, relevant anatomy, and the most up-to-date techniques in brain imaging. Osborn's Brainis organized for curriculum-based learning. Osborn begins with emergent topics, such as trauma, to help the reader learn in the order that is most practical for a resident or practicing radiologist. Indeed, this volume helps readers learnhow to thinkabout diagnoses, types of diagnoses, and the various pathologies that can affect the brain. Offers welcome 🤗