I am selling Vintage Pokemon card. Moderately played to damaged All prices have been adjusted to damage prices using tcgplayer and then I took off more of an amount. There are duplicates I can sell individual or all together for $13.95 Individual prices (not ea. For duplicates have already calculated the duplicates total for all) Bulbasaur-$0.50 Weedle-$0.10 Charmander (9x)-$0.30/$2.70 Charmeleon (7x)-$0.15/$1.05 Spearow-$0.05 Fearow (5x)-$0.20/$1 Rattata-$0.15 Abra-$0.10 Pikachu (2x)-$0.15/$0.30 Machop-$0.10 Exeggutor-$0.30 Meowth-$0.20 Persian (5x)-$0.20/$1 Mantine-$0.10 Lickitung-$0.10 Rhyhorn-$0.10 Weezing (2x)-0.10/$0.20 Bellsprout-$0.05 Weepinbell-$0.10 Graveler (2x)-$0.20/$0.40 Starmie (5x)-$0.10/$0.50 Dunsparce-$0.10 Hoppip-$0.10 Seadra (6x)-$0.20/$1.20 Jynx (5x)-$0.65/$3.25
- ConditionOkay