Hey Karroters, The flowers are blooming and the birds are chirping! It's Earth Month AND the start of Spring making it the perfect time to declutter. Join our challenge to tidy up your space together and win a gift card 🥕🥕🥕. This week, we’re going to help you make decluttering as easy as 1, 2, 3! Your job is to complete your daily task for the next 7 days (see details below) When: April 11 - 17 PRIZES: 🏆 $100 VISA gift card for 5 winners - Enter by participating for all 7 days 🏆 $5 Amazon Gift Card for 50 winners - Enter by participating for at least 1 of the days HOW IT WORKS: **Complete your daily task** & put a “🥕” emoji in the title of your listings for the posting days: Day 1 - Item for $10 or less Day 2 - Favorite an item Day 3 - Add a search alert (TIP: search for any item and you will see a button at the bottom of the search feed that says "Create a search alert for _____") Day 4 - Post an item in the Furniture or Home/Garden category Day 5 - “Boost” an item & lower the price (TIP: Go to your "Listings" section and you will find the "Boost" button by each of your listings) Day 6 - Start a chat on an item you’re interested in Day 7 - Post something for free! 💡TIP: If you miss a day you can still post the item on another day (it will still count) Leave a comment below to confirm your entry with the days you’ve participated! Come along for a fun-filled cleanup adventure with us and stay tuned for the winner announcement on April 18. Terms & Conditions - Listings must include pictures of actual items and an accurate description. - Listings must follow Karrot’s guidelines and policies. - Items listed in Karrot’s Prohibited Items will be excluded. - Promotion is only available to verified users in US.