HEY NEW YORK! How are we doing in this heat? 🥵 We're happy to announce another exciting event! It's the perfect time to do some Summer Decluttering around your home and post those plants, bikes, sports equipment, lawn chairs, camping gear...the list goes on. This week, we’re going to help you make decluttering as easy as 1, 2, 3! Your job is to get rid of 1 item a day for the next 7 days by posting them on Karrot. PRIZES: 🏆 $100 Uber Gift Card for 3 winners - Enter by participating for all 7 days 🏆 $5 Amazon Gift Card for 50 winners - Enter by participating for at least 1 of the days HOW IT WORKS: Post something from each room in your home this week & put a “☀️” emoji in the title of your listings: Day 1 - Item from your kitchen Day 2 - Item from your bathroom Day 3 - Item from your bedroom Day 4 - Item from your living room Day 5 - Item from your office/desk space Day 6 - Item from your basement, garage, or storage room Day 7 - Item from your garden or yard 💡TIP: If you miss a day you can still post the item on another day (it will still count) Leave a comment below to confirm your entry with the days you’ve participated! Join us & let’s make some extra cash for that summer vacay of yours 🏖️.