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    Wanted: Will pay $500 for clean water!

    Wanted ·


    Hello my Karrot friends, I'm Bibo the Sea Turtle. My friends and I getting poorly because of your plastic and waste from your homes. A simple thing you can do for us is to reduce waste. Instead of throwing things away, think again and consider reusing, recycling, or giving it a new home. Lots of love, Bibo June 5 is World Environment Day - protect the environment by giving away or selling things you don't use on Karrot. We'd be more than happy to be part of your sustainable journey! ⬇️ Tap here to make a post today karrot://fleamarket_articles/new

      0 chats · 48 favourites · 5078 views
      Comments 93
      Rose profile page
      Junction Area·Thanks for the msg, Bibo! Reduce & recycle ♻️ 😊
      Ricardo profile page
      Regent Park·Will do my part, Bibo!
      Kaylea profile page
      Ainslie Wood West·Thanks Bibo!
      Jell profile page
      Medway·Always recycling bibo 💕 I respect the turtle as I am a North American aboriginal to this land and turtle is my clan😍 Our clan people are to protect the turtle at all costs! I will continue to protect u Bibo😘
      Dejay profile page
      Stoney Creek·Thanks Bibo....I will do my part
      Joy profile page
      Downtown Commercial Core·Thanks for the reminder Bibo ❤️
      Alex profile page
      Rouge·I am very saddened by what other careless humans are doing to ower planet thank you for the message
      Benny profile page
      Finch·Thank you, we should all care about us, the environment.
      fara profile page
      Newtonbrook W·thanks for reminder. we all need to hear that over and over
      withdrawn userMoss Park·wow
      TL profile page
      Bay Street Corridor·Always remember the concept of 3R... reduce, reuse and recycle. Let's all do our parts to help the environment. :)
      Chuman profile page
      Westmount·Thanks for the awareness raising, I will do my best to do exactly that.
      Barbi profile page
      Tam O'Shanter·I always try to do my part. Love turtles 😘
      brian profile page
      Etobicoke W Mall·You are preaching to the choir here but keep it up.I will help you to get out the message.
      licia profile page
      Woodbridge Centre·Thanks Bibo......will strive to do better!
      Raj profile page
      Weston-Pelham Park·We all need to care for environment I will do my part thanks
      Kamal profile page
      Kingsview Village·I’m in this flow with you already
      Angela profile page
      Oakwood Village·Omg! So with you! Have been decluttering for weeks! Waiting for lockdown to lift to donate it all. Sick of all these bags around.
      Faith profile page
      Oakwood Village·Ok Bibo will do.
      Sandra G profile page
      Sandra G
      Humber Summit·As always, will definitely keep doing my part. Thank you
      funkyrose profile page
      Mount Olive·Thanks Bibo. Message taken!
      Dini profile page
      Huron Heights·Awwww 😢💌
      withdrawn userRathwood·Always recycle ♻️
      TFC profile page
      Concord·We keep doing our part! My son loves 🐢!
      Marie profile page
      W Hill·Hello Mr Turtle 🐢 thanks for the reminder and I agree with you 💖💖
      carrotgirl profile page
      East Credit·I've been doing it a long time ..thanks anyway and God Bless us all 🥰 🙏 🙌❤♥
      pari profile page
      Bayview Village·thank you for remidind. we all should do our part .Ill do my best dear Bibo😍❤
      CharityGrandmaHuron Heights·I do my part for the environment every day. thank you
      Sandra profile page
      Bathurst Manor·❤❤❤🐊🐢🐳🐬🐟🐠🐡🦈🐙🐚🦀🦐🦑❤❤❤
      Jay profile page
      Banbury·amen to that Bibo...though you are not my spirit animal, id gladly come back as your kind...
      Asianshell profile page
      CityPlace·Thanks for the reminder, Bibo!
      Alex profile page
      The Beaches·Thanks for the reminder Bobo!😊 we all need to be reminded on a daily basis to do our part so that beautiful creatures like you can continue to bless the oceans 💓🐢🌏
      Anrol profile page
      City Centre W·🥺😣 thanks I really do care & keep doing my part & I hope that every or any person will clean, pick up after themselves after the place by the ocean or anywhere & reduce the use of plastic to protect you, our ecosystems, our nature.❤🙏
      Lina profile page
      Scarborough Village·will do my part 😊
      ItGuy profile page
      Willowdale·Dear Bibo, Start a campaign with the manufacturer s or government s to pay for or buy recyclable materials. This will create a market for people to recycle and make money at the same time. In California for instance, many homeless people recycle bottles and make money. It benefits all parties. Thanks BoBo.
      mili profile page
      Stonegate· Thanks Bibo ,will do everything I can to help🙂
      SDSteele profile page
      Strathroy·I am doing my best to recycle, upcycle and reuse.
      Patty50 profile page
      Fletcher's Meadow·😭 I Promise to do my part Bibo!
      Mei profile page
      Churchill Meadows·We will do as much as we can. We are a true believer of clean water.
      dj profile page
      Highland·yes too bad there's so many lazy lazy people out there that just decide to throw a cigarette Buds and garbage on the floor and garbage in the streets I see it all the time it's ridiculous I think she had a life sentence them people is killing our world the dam smoker should be locked up and put away with the key to nasty people
      withdrawn userCity Centre W·Thank you i will do my best 👏
      Soso profile page
      Banbury·will do my part Bibo stay safe ❤️
      Michael profile page
      Central London·Thanks for the message. I've been conscious of reduce, reuse, and recycle since the 90's. That's one reason I use Karrot to find a new home for my stuff. 😎👍🐢
      khadija profile page
      Woburn·Thanks, I love recycling. It is my hobby
      ElaineMargaret profile page
      Victoria Village·Many thanks Bibo! Reduce, reuse, recycle. Recycle, recycle. Reduce, reuse, recycle. It's easy to do. Cause your world is my world. And my world is your world (sung to the tune of "The More We Get Together") 🌐🐢💗
      deals4U profile page
      Glen Cairn·Ok. Thank you for the update
      Marisol profile page
      Kingsview Village·Will do my part, Bibo
      Mike profile page
      High Park Swansea·being taxed to death by Trudeau when China goes free is like fining me for my dog and ignoring the triceratops poo mountain next door. Not worth the bother at all. Too emotional too see the futility.
      Ann profile page
      Don Valley Village·I'm an advocate of 3R's Reduce Reuse Recycle♻️
      withdrawn userThe Beaches·I'm a SCUBA diver. Def support more people thinking about the impact of their consumption.
      ionie profile page
      York University Heights·thanks for the message Bibo
      Kelly0121 profile page
      Cooksville·I'm trying to do my part. Thanks for reminding me! 😊
      withdrawn userPort Credit·♻️♻️♻️
      Ian profile page
      Moss Park·I agree Bibo. Recycling is very important!
      Reemo7 profile page
      Church Yonge Corridor·Recycling should be done everyday by everyone. Just like putting your pants on or brushing your teeth after you wake up.
      HJV profile page
      East Credit·i will keep making every effort i can. i also try to buy products that help creatures of the ocean such as sustainable caught tuna companies that use plastics that are recycled and also make sure profits clean up a kilogram of plastic is removed from the ocean for each and every face mask supports sold for example. when i have any extra money i donate directly to that same organization that collects plastic and garbage from the oceans. i also try to cut up the plastic used to hold bottles and cans together rather than throw it away whole after seeing how such tbings can become trapped across the mouthes of birds turkes etc making it impossible to swallow food or get caught on the talons of big birs like eagles and raptors making it impossible to catch their own food. we all can try to not purchase such things so companies stop using them. useing recycled plastics to create a tote we can reuse thousands of times is far safer for so many creatures of lakes and oceans.or creating reuseable bags and doing away with single use bags. are better uses of plastic until we can switch away from plastic all together. all each of us can do is find small ways to try to do more good than harm. all thoes small things can add up to big changes overall.
      Patrick profile page
      Parkwoods·well alright then, let's go ahead and change the hearts and minds of the greater population of the world
      Ela profile page
      Milliken·I'm so sorry about the microplastic and plastic pollution Bibo. I was never a fan of plastic bottles since it was invented. I always do my share of "reduce, reuse and recycle".
      salvana profile page
      Port Credit·yes I will definitely do my part
      teresa profile page
      Brookhaven·being doing my best bibo
      Kelly profile page
      W Hill·I try my best to do my part Bibo!! 🐢💕
      RS profile page
      Kingsview Village·Will do my part Bibo stay safe
      Cathy profile page
      Yonge Eglinton·Yes! I’m doing my part on 3R’s.. Reduce Reuse Recycle ♻️🙌🏼
      BE profile page
      Willowdale E·I am using tumbler instead of using paper cup! Stay safe bibo!
      Dazza profile page
      W Hill·Sorry we have done this to you. Insensitive humans
      karla profile page
      Weston Pelham Park·True.🙏🌹
      Nathalie profile page
      York University Heights·more than glad to help and do my part Bibo! 💚💜🧡
      ionie profile page
      York University Heights·Thanks for the message
      Sally profile page
      Hurontario·Thx Bibo, will do !
      Comments 93
      Rose profile page
      Junction Area·Thanks for the msg, Bibo! Reduce & recycle ♻️ 😊
      Ricardo profile page
      Regent Park·Will do my part, Bibo!
      Kaylea profile page
      Ainslie Wood West·Thanks Bibo!
      Jell profile page
      Medway·Always recycling bibo 💕 I respect the turtle as I am a North American aboriginal to this land and turtle is my clan😍 Our clan people are to protect the turtle at all costs! I will continue to protect u Bibo😘
      Dejay profile page
      Stoney Creek·Thanks Bibo....I will do my part
      Joy profile page
      Downtown Commercial Core·Thanks for the reminder Bibo ❤️
      Alex profile page
      Rouge·I am very saddened by what other careless humans are doing to ower planet thank you for the message
      Benny profile page
      Finch·Thank you, we should all care about us, the environment.
      fara profile page
      Newtonbrook W·thanks for reminder. we all need to hear that over and over
      withdrawn userMoss Park·wow
      TL profile page
      Bay Street Corridor·Always remember the concept of 3R... reduce, reuse and recycle. Let's all do our parts to help the environment. :)
      Chuman profile page
      Westmount·Thanks for the awareness raising, I will do my best to do exactly that.
      Barbi profile page
      Tam O'Shanter·I always try to do my part. Love turtles 😘
      brian profile page
      Etobicoke W Mall·You are preaching to the choir here but keep it up.I will help you to get out the message.
      licia profile page
      Woodbridge Centre·Thanks Bibo......will strive to do better!
      Raj profile page
      Weston-Pelham Park·We all need to care for environment I will do my part thanks
      Kamal profile page
      Kingsview Village·I’m in this flow with you already
      Angela profile page
      Oakwood Village·Omg! So with you! Have been decluttering for weeks! Waiting for lockdown to lift to donate it all. Sick of all these bags around.
      Faith profile page
      Oakwood Village·Ok Bibo will do.
      Sandra G profile page
      Sandra G
      Humber Summit·As always, will definitely keep doing my part. Thank you
      funkyrose profile page
      Mount Olive·Thanks Bibo. Message taken!
      Dini profile page
      Huron Heights·Awwww 😢💌
      withdrawn userRathwood·Always recycle ♻️
      TFC profile page
      Concord·We keep doing our part! My son loves 🐢!
      Marie profile page
      W Hill·Hello Mr Turtle 🐢 thanks for the reminder and I agree with you 💖💖
      carrotgirl profile page
      East Credit·I've been doing it a long time ..thanks anyway and God Bless us all 🥰 🙏 🙌❤♥
      pari profile page
      Bayview Village·thank you for remidind. we all should do our part .Ill do my best dear Bibo😍❤
      CharityGrandmaHuron Heights·I do my part for the environment every day. thank you
      Sandra profile page
      Bathurst Manor·❤❤❤🐊🐢🐳🐬🐟🐠🐡🦈🐙🐚🦀🦐🦑❤❤❤
      Jay profile page
      Banbury·amen to that Bibo...though you are not my spirit animal, id gladly come back as your kind...
      Asianshell profile page
      CityPlace·Thanks for the reminder, Bibo!
      Alex profile page
      The Beaches·Thanks for the reminder Bobo!😊 we all need to be reminded on a daily basis to do our part so that beautiful creatures like you can continue to bless the oceans 💓🐢🌏
      Anrol profile page
      City Centre W·🥺😣 thanks I really do care & keep doing my part & I hope that every or any person will clean, pick up after themselves after the place by the ocean or anywhere & reduce the use of plastic to protect you, our ecosystems, our nature.❤🙏
      Lina profile page
      Scarborough Village·will do my part 😊
      ItGuy profile page
      Willowdale·Dear Bibo, Start a campaign with the manufacturer s or government s to pay for or buy recyclable materials. This will create a market for people to recycle and make money at the same time. In California for instance, many homeless people recycle bottles and make money. It benefits all parties. Thanks BoBo.
      mili profile page
      Stonegate· Thanks Bibo ,will do everything I can to help🙂
      SDSteele profile page
      Strathroy·I am doing my best to recycle, upcycle and reuse.
      Patty50 profile page
      Fletcher's Meadow·😭 I Promise to do my part Bibo!
      Mei profile page
      Churchill Meadows·We will do as much as we can. We are a true believer of clean water.
      dj profile page
      Highland·yes too bad there's so many lazy lazy people out there that just decide to throw a cigarette Buds and garbage on the floor and garbage in the streets I see it all the time it's ridiculous I think she had a life sentence them people is killing our world the dam smoker should be locked up and put away with the key to nasty people
      withdrawn userCity Centre W·Thank you i will do my best 👏
      Soso profile page
      Banbury·will do my part Bibo stay safe ❤️
      Michael profile page
      Central London·Thanks for the message. I've been conscious of reduce, reuse, and recycle since the 90's. That's one reason I use Karrot to find a new home for my stuff. 😎👍🐢
      khadija profile page
      Woburn·Thanks, I love recycling. It is my hobby
      ElaineMargaret profile page
      Victoria Village·Many thanks Bibo! Reduce, reuse, recycle. Recycle, recycle. Reduce, reuse, recycle. It's easy to do. Cause your world is my world. And my world is your world (sung to the tune of "The More We Get Together") 🌐🐢💗
      deals4U profile page
      Glen Cairn·Ok. Thank you for the update
      Marisol profile page
      Kingsview Village·Will do my part, Bibo
      Mike profile page
      High Park Swansea·being taxed to death by Trudeau when China goes free is like fining me for my dog and ignoring the triceratops poo mountain next door. Not worth the bother at all. Too emotional too see the futility.
      Ann profile page
      Don Valley Village·I'm an advocate of 3R's Reduce Reuse Recycle♻️
      withdrawn userThe Beaches·I'm a SCUBA diver. Def support more people thinking about the impact of their consumption.
      ionie profile page
      York University Heights·thanks for the message Bibo
      Kelly0121 profile page
      Cooksville·I'm trying to do my part. Thanks for reminding me! 😊
      withdrawn userPort Credit·♻️♻️♻️
      Ian profile page
      Moss Park·I agree Bibo. Recycling is very important!
      Reemo7 profile page
      Church Yonge Corridor·Recycling should be done everyday by everyone. Just like putting your pants on or brushing your teeth after you wake up.
      HJV profile page
      East Credit·i will keep making every effort i can. i also try to buy products that help creatures of the ocean such as sustainable caught tuna companies that use plastics that are recycled and also make sure profits clean up a kilogram of plastic is removed from the ocean for each and every face mask supports sold for example. when i have any extra money i donate directly to that same organization that collects plastic and garbage from the oceans. i also try to cut up the plastic used to hold bottles and cans together rather than throw it away whole after seeing how such tbings can become trapped across the mouthes of birds turkes etc making it impossible to swallow food or get caught on the talons of big birs like eagles and raptors making it impossible to catch their own food. we all can try to not purchase such things so companies stop using them. useing recycled plastics to create a tote we can reuse thousands of times is far safer for so many creatures of lakes and oceans.or creating reuseable bags and doing away with single use bags. are better uses of plastic until we can switch away from plastic all together. all each of us can do is find small ways to try to do more good than harm. all thoes small things can add up to big changes overall.
      Patrick profile page
      Parkwoods·well alright then, let's go ahead and change the hearts and minds of the greater population of the world
      Ela profile page
      Milliken·I'm so sorry about the microplastic and plastic pollution Bibo. I was never a fan of plastic bottles since it was invented. I always do my share of "reduce, reuse and recycle".
      salvana profile page
      Port Credit·yes I will definitely do my part
      teresa profile page
      Brookhaven·being doing my best bibo
      Kelly profile page
      W Hill·I try my best to do my part Bibo!! 🐢💕
      RS profile page
      Kingsview Village·Will do my part Bibo stay safe
      Cathy profile page
      Yonge Eglinton·Yes! I’m doing my part on 3R’s.. Reduce Reuse Recycle ♻️🙌🏼
      BE profile page
      Willowdale E·I am using tumbler instead of using paper cup! Stay safe bibo!
      Dazza profile page
      W Hill·Sorry we have done this to you. Insensitive humans
      karla profile page
      Weston Pelham Park·True.🙏🌹
      Nathalie profile page
      York University Heights·more than glad to help and do my part Bibo! 💚💜🧡
      ionie profile page
      York University Heights·Thanks for the message
      Sally profile page
      Hurontario·Thx Bibo, will do !
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