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    English instructor

    어학원· 작성

    상세 정보

    • 월급 240만원
    • 경남 양산시 물금읍 화합5길 12
    • 월~금
    • 12:00~18:30 협의

    상세 내용

    We are looking for elementary and middle school English instructor. For native speakers: Wages are negotiable. Contract: 1-year basis. Applicants: University students on a leave of absence are welcome to apply. Salary: Negotiable based on experience. Housing support: Available. Feel free to contact us for more details or to schedule an interview!
    지원자 2·관심 0
    경남 양산시 물금읍 화합5길 12
    알바에 지원하고 싶다면 당근 앱을 이용해주세요!

    인기 당근알바

    당근에서 가까운 이웃과 함께해요.
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