In good condition, ideal for ages 4 to 7. Paid £130 for this bike and it's in perfect condition. Comes with mudguards, chainguard, built in stand, BTWIN helmet, Stabilizers which just screw on / off when needed and also a dolls baby carrier which attaches to the rear of the bike as per photographs. Special B'TWIN steel frame: lowered in the middle to make it easy to get on and off. Children won't get stuck on their bike when playing. Tyres with an inner tube (inflated) and knobbles. Real tyres to help get around obstacles (kerbs, etc.), and for better grip on normal terrain (paths, grass, etc.). B'TWIN STOP EASY brakes. Rear hub brake and front cantilever brake. The brake levers are designed to suit children's small hands and require 30% less braking effort than traditional levers. We have chosen to use a rear hub brake for its effective and progressive braking. This type of brake requires less maintenance. On the front there are cantilever brakes, which are efficient but not too strong (limits the risk of the wheel blocking and the rider falling head-first over the handlebars).
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