Since joining in February 2021, Sonja's made over £150 in the first 2 weeks. From selling IKEA furniture to designer clothing, Sonja shares her story and secret selling tips with us! 🥕What brought you to Karrot? 👉Due to COVID, I've been struggling to make ends meet. A friend of mine told me that she'd sold a chair within a day on Karrot, so I thought I should also give it a try. 🥕What have you sold on Karrot? 👉I've sold the most in furniture and fashion, including IKEA chairs, a mirror, a sofa, and some Ralph Lauren shirts, to name a few. 🥕What are your secrets to selling so much and fast? 👉Pictures are extremely important as they create the first impression. I always make sure I take several pictures in good lighting, from different angles. I explain the actual condition of my items in details, specify my location, and set the price lower than average. When someone contacts me, I try to respond as quickly as possible. 🥕What do you like about Karrot? 👉Selling on Karrot is quick, simple, and fast. It's an easy source of income and I've already invited 3 of my friends to Karrot via referral program: karrot://invitations --- ✅ Check Sonja's items - karrot://users/580124 ✅ Follow Sonja's tips to be the next seller of the month - karrot://fleamarket_articles/new ✅ Got some other tips? Share in comments!