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    1914 Farmer Burns Wresting Martial Arts Booklet.

    Art & Collectibles ·


    AN ORIGINAL 1914 COPY!!! The OFFICIAL famous Farmer Burns Mail Order Course Booklet!!! OVER 100 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!! BOOK #4 LESSON 7 and 8 In 1914, Farmer Burns, a world champion catch wrestler and the teacher of Frank Gotch, put out a by-mail wrestling and fitness course entitled, Lessons in Wrestling and Physical Culture. Divided into twelve different lessons, is a literal gold mine of information on catch wrestling; including throws, pinning and submission holds. Farmer Burns, the man with a 20-inch neck at a bodyweight of 175 pounds; the man who could do a six-foot hangman's drop and remain unharmed, is legendary for his wrestling prowess and for his teaching method. While in his 70's he was still a major force to be reckoned with. His instructions on the proper application of the half-nelson, three-quarter nelson, quarter-nelson, full nelson and hammer lock are well worth the price of the entire course. Most modern day wrestlers are not taught the proper way to do these holds, if they are even taught them at all. 16 FULL SIZED PAGED BOOKLET 11.5 INCHES BY 9 INCHES OPENS UP FOR A HUGH DOUBLE PAGE LAYOUT! THIS COPY IS IN WONDERUL CONDITION! STUNNING SPINE! NO MAJOR RIPS OR FOLDS!! FILLED WITH PHOTOS AND TECHNIQUES!! ALL PAGES FULLY INTACT. EXACTLY AS SHOWN IN PHOTOS!! THIS IS THE EXACT BOOK YOU GET! THIS IS A VERY FRAGILE DOCUMENT. PRINTED IN 1914!! EXACTLY AS SHOWN! SPLENDID COVER! ONE OF A KIND CLASSIC ARTWORK. EXCELLENT CONDITION FOR A BOOK WHICH IS OVER 100 YEARS OLD!!!!!! A MUST HAVE FOR ANY COLLECTOR!!! IDEAL FOR THE MARTIAL ARTS, WRESTLING, HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT FAN! Pick up location is #1 Thornhillwoods Drive (Esso gas station)

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