Hey Karroters, We need your help! The wildfires in Alberta have caused a lot of damage, and our friends in Jasper and other affected areas could really use our support. Here at Karrot, we believe in the power of community. Whether we're sharing, trading, or lending a helping hand, our community is at the heart of everything we do. The Alberta wildfires have impacted many lives, and as a community-driven platform, we feel it's our responsibility to rally together and support those in need. That’s why we created a fundraiser for the Canadian Red Cross 2024 Alberta Fires Appeal where your donations will be matched by us at Karrot (up to $5000)! Additionally, the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta are stepping up to match every dollar donated as well. This means your $1 donation to this fundraiser will turn into $6 🤩🇨🇦! **How it works:** 1. Make a donation directly on our personalized fundraiser page through the Red Cross website between August 9 - 18: https://www.redcross.ca/2024AlbertaFires/KarrotFundraiser 2. We will be matching your donation, doubling every dollar you give (up to $5000 total). Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta are matching every dollar donated as well. Your donation will 6x! 3. Wait for the donation announcement on August 19 Help us reach our goal of raising $5000+ for those impacted by the wildfires! Your donations will: - Provide immediate relief and financial assistance to those affected. - Support evacuees and the communities hosting them. - Help with recovery and building resilience against future disasters. - Assist in community preparedness and risk reduction in Alberta. DONATE HERE 🤝🧡: https://www.redcross.ca/2024AlbertaFires/KarrotFundraiser By participating in this fundraiser, we're not just giving money; we're showing our solidarity and compassion. It's about coming together as a community to support those in need. We know our Karrot community is amazing, and together, we can make a difference! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻