⭐️19 assorted graphic novels, varying from DC to Marvel and more. ⭐️Almost all of them have been unopened, they are just like brand new. ⭐️ Individual pricing (not all books are in the photos, but there are 19 in total): - The Amazing Spiderman - Kraven’s Last Hunt ($10) - DCeased - Hope At World’s End ($15) - DCeased - Dead Planet ($15) - Injustice - Gods Among Us: Year Zero, The Complete Collection ($15) - Justice League - Endless Winter ($15) - Justice Society America - The Demise of Justice ($15) - Justice League - Book Two, Deluxe Edition ($20) - Batman - Curse of the White Knight, DC Black Label ($15) - Batman - The World ($15) - Superman And The Authority ($15) - Doom Patrol - Weight of the Worlds ($10) - Gotham City Monsters ($10) - Transformers ‘84 - Secrets and Lies ($10) - Catwoman - Valley of the Shadow of Death ($10) - Nightwing - Fear State ($15) - The Flash #750 - The Deluxe Edition ($15) - Heroes in Crisis ($10) - Green Lantern - Circle of Fire ($20) - Green Lantern - Vol. 1, Invictus ($15) ⭐️Please message me if you are interested and we’ll discuss. ⭐️Pick up and cash only please.
- ConditionNew