Mix of good, great and like new. Bound in leather, silk moiré end pages, satin ribbon, beautiful illustrations, 22K gold accents and gilded page ends. Each book has a name plate of owner (see photo). You could put your own over it or simply not care. Beautiful decorator pieces. Each priced individually. Let me know which title you’re interested in and I will give you a price. Two Plays - Molière - 40.00 The Decameron - Boccaccio - 30.00 A Journal of the Plague - Defoe - 70.00 Dialogues on Love and Friendship - Plato - not first edition - 25.00 The Life & Opinions of Tristram Shandy - 50.00 Walden - Thoreau - 40.00 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce - 40.00 All for 200.00