🔥 (I priced this e-bike for less than the same e-bikes currently listed for sale )… (feel free to add battery and resell for a PROFIT !) - Great for DELIVERY &/Or personal … - This E-BIKE still has protective plastic over gauges & IN PHENOMENAL COND. - (Strong sturdy e-bike, something you feel safer on main streets & when cars/trucks pass, something to think about) - 🚨🚨🚨🚨 Incl. EXTRAS *Key alarm remote Full e-bike ALARM (even sensitive to touch) Stereo USB-play your own music from your phone… Removable Trunk 2 backup mirrors Negotiable is 1-2 helmets I’ll incl.1 -*(extra) Alarm Lock 🚨 - JUST DECIDE ON TYPE OF BATTERIES YOU WANT … …..Lithium or …..Lead Acid 🚨 Very strong bike…Fast ! 🚨 - READY for WORK &/or PLAY……….. or both ! 👇🏽 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 🚨 NO GAS NO INSURANCE 🚨 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 - if you want to stop at the store, these are still considered a bike so TAKE a spot LITERALLY right by the front doors . - …..NO NEED TO FIGHT FOR A PARKING SPOT ! -