Please, read all. —————- •Colour: Soft off-white. Note that my wall and sofa are white and don’t have much light, so the ottoman might appears a bit more darker than real life. •Measurements: -diagonal: 33” -hight: 16” •Condition: Like new, no stains. There’s a tiny spot where we can see candle wax droplets on the side. See pic # (following black underneath ottoman). It might be removable, I haven’t try. All I know is that any other kind of dirt, stains, etc wash extremely well/easy on this fabric. •Quality: High-end w/ exceptional thick plush (not like the cheap uncomfortable thin ones). •Store: Wayfair. •Retail/value/purchased: $500+. •Diversified uses: chair, coffee table, game table, home deco w/ a tray/plants/candles/books, pet lounger, celebration 🥂 🍾 🍫, bedroom chair, etc. We used it in the living room, very gently and rarely used. This is a hard one to let go. ***Note that this item is the exact one (brand/model/colour/size) as showed on the Wayfair pics, w/ the exception that it’s not rolling*** ————— Pick-up only. Cash only. Map location on listing. Thx! 💛Look at my other listings for great deals.
- ConditionLike new