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    Evan LSteinbach
    0 reviews

    Game Boy Game Lot

    Games & Hobbies ·


    3D pool - $10 (includes manual) 5 on 5 - $5 A series of unfortunate events - $5 Adam’s family - $15 Advance wars 2 - $90 (CIB) Alice in wonderland - $30 Arcade advanced - $10 Attack of the rotten tomatoes - $25 Babs big break - $15 Baseball - $10 Batman - $20 Bee game - $10 Board game classics - $5 Boomers adventure - $10 Cartoon Network block party - $15 Charlottes web - $8 Classic series Mario bros - $30 Dead heat scramble - $10 Dexterity - $10 Dig dug - $50 Disney princess 3 game bundle - $25 Dogz - $5 Donkey Kong - $40 Dr Mario advance - $25 (includes manual) Dr Seuss green eggs and ham - $10 Dragon quest V - $125 Dragon warrior 3 - $250 Dragon warrior monsters - $40 Dragonball z taiketsu - $20 Drill dozor - $190 Ed, Edd N Eddy - $20 Final fantasy 1 and 2 - $40 Final round golf - $5 French translator - $20 Frogger - $10 Game genie w/book - $35 Gargoyles - $75 (with manual) Godzilla - $35 Golden nugget - $10 (includes manual) Grim misadventure of Bill and Mandy - $20 Hardcore ecw - $15 Harvest moon friends from mineral town -$135 (CIB) Heiankyo alien - $15 Hot wheels - $5 Hot wheels stunt track driver - $10 Incredible crash dummies - $10 It’s mr pants - $20 Killer instinct - $25 Mario tennis - $45 Mariokart super circuit - $100 Masters of the universe - $15 Megaman battle network 2 - $130 (CIB) Megaman battle network 3 blue - SOLD Megaman battle network 3 blue - $120 (CIB) Megaman battle network 3 white - $115 (CIB) Megaman battle network - $265 (CIB) Megaman zero 2 - $40 Megaman zero 2 - $145 (CIB) Megaman zero 3 - $130 (CIB) Megaman zero 4 - $140 (CIB) Megaman zero - $145 (CIB) Metroid return of Samus - $50 Metroid zero mission - $325 (CIB) Midnight club - $10 Midway greatest arcade hits - $25 (sealed) Midways greatest arcade - $8 Millepede 3 pack - $15 Missile command - $10 Mission impossible - $5 Monster house - $10 Monsters inc and finding nemo - $10 Mortal kombat 2 - $25 Mr chins - $15 Namco museum - $10 Narnia - $5 National hockey night - $15 Need for speed Porsche - $10 NHL 2002 - $50 (CIB plastic around) Open season - $8 Pacman and ms pacman - $15 (includes manual) Pacman collection - $20 (CIB plastic around) Pacman pinball - $10 Pacman world - $10 Pinball tycoon - $10 Play action football - $5 Pokémon gold - $80 Pokémon Ruby manual - $25 (no game) Pokémon Silver - $45 (German) Power rangers - $20 (includes manual) Radar mission - $10 Rise of the guardians - $5 Santa clause 3 - $10 (includes manual) Scooby doo - $10 Scribblenauts - $5 Sega smash pack - $15 Shrek 2 - $8 Simpsons road rage - $20 Sims 2 - $15 Snood - $15 (includes manual) Spider-Man 2 - $6 Spiderman shattered dimensions - $20 Spongebob the movie - $6 Spyro eternal flame - $35 (includes manual) Starsky and hutch - $5 Stuntman - $20 Super Mario advance 3 yoshis island - $115 (CIB) Super Mario land - $15 (manual only) Super rc pro am - $8 T2 - $15 Texas hold em - $5 The legend of final fantasy - $240 (CIB) The legend of Zelda - $120 (CIB) The little mermaid - $15 The simpsons escape from camp - $30 Tony hawk 2 - $10 Tony hawk 2 - $15 Tony hawk 3 - $10 Tony hawk American sk8land - $10 Trax - $50 Ultimate spiderman - $25 Who framed Roger rabbit - $30 World circuit series - $10 Wwe survivor series - $15 Xmen the official game - $10 Zelda 2 the adventures of link - $140 (CIB) Zelda a link to the past - $120 (CIB) Zelda a link to the past four swords - $45 Zelda links awakening - $50 Zelda oracle of ages - $300 (CIB 2 available) Zelda oracle of ages - $60 Zelda oracle of seasons - $320 (CIB) Pickup in Steinbach Willing to ship Thanks for looking!

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