This is a 2006 bike but it still brakes and shifts pretty smoothly due to decent maintenance. It has the expected amount of scuffs and wear, but they're all cosmetic. From viewing distance it still looks pretty great. Shimano 105 groupset (9 speed rear, 3 front), Continental Gatorskin tires. SPD pedals and 1 bottle cage included. Super lightweight bike, it's even lighter than my 2020 Trek that I upgraded to. 55.5cm frame should accommodate riders from roughly 5'7" to maybe 6'1" or so. Holler if you have any questions or want to see any specific additional photos. $800 OBO. Bike is at Ellesmere/Victoria Park if you want to check it out. If ad is up, it's available, and inquiries of "is it available" will be ignored. Bike is cleaned and tuned up, ready to ride. DM for more info.
- ConditionGood