0 reviewsHere's your question: How many Karrot points do you get when you leave a positive transaction review (with text)? Prize: $10 Amazon gift card will be awarded to the first person that leaves a comment with the correct answer! You can keep commenting if you wish but only the first person will receive the prize. Stay tuned for the next special present tomorrow! This is part of our "12 Days of Giving" event. See here for more details: https://ca.karrotmarket.com/articles/398248 ๐
0 chats ยท 3 favourites ยท 129 views
Comments 13
KenEntertainment Districtยท5 points!
KarrotSnugBugLittle TokyoยทPositive review +2 points
Positive review with text +5 points
If both parties leave each other positive reviews +1 bonus point
Sabby12Victoria Villageยท5 karrot Points
2+ text messages
that's how many
MISS CLOUDY profile page
MISS CLOUDYGarden Districtยท5 Karrot points for positive review with text and +3 Karrot points for text review ๐๐Comments 13
KenEntertainment Districtยท5 points!
KarrotSnugBugLittle TokyoยทPositive review +2 points
Positive review with text +5 points
If both parties leave each other positive reviews +1 bonus point
Frank profile page
FrankFashion District