↓Buy↓ Eevee, Hatenna, Jigglypuff, Umbreon, Quagsire, Rayquaza= $2/1 card Charizard, Dragapult = $3/1 card Koraidon = $4/1 card Pikachu = Only for trade ↓Trade↓ (Recommend) Only accept trading Dragonice. If trade get Pikachu + 1 of any holo card or 3 regs cards on the picture. If trade McDonald’s Happy Meal Mario Kart Bowser Toy, get all 10 cards showed on the picture for FREE (Other of my listing, trade for FREE items are welcome too) Cash only or Trade at L’Amoreaux Collegiate Institute Available Monday to Friday during lunchtime from 12:00 to 12:25 (Date and time might change according to the school calendar) This listing will be updated 1-2 times every week. It might be add more availability of card(s) to trade. Stay tuned😉