Or BestOffer- Two pieces broke in the move. Showing the damaged bowl so you can see what the lid goes with. Can be used as replacement lid. Teacup saucer, chipped, Estate by Viletta - Status: Discontinued. Actual: 1986 - 1996 Beautiful vintage set, which is now discontinued. Hard to find pieces. Use as replacement pieces or add to your current estate pattern collection. 8 dinner plates, 8 dessert, 8 bread/butter plate, 8 cup and saucer (one saucer chipped in move), 12 soups/cereal bowls, 16 fruit/dessert bowls, 1 gravy boat with under-plate, 1 oval serving platter, teapot with cover, sugar bowl with cover, creamer/ milk jug, salt and pepper shakers. 1 covered vegetable/food bowl. Also a replacement cover for the same size vegetable bowl that broke in the move.
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