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    JirehminaNortheast Edmonton
    0 reviews

    Pokemon Card Hits

    Games & Hobbies ·


    Mostly from Scarlet Violet era Nearmint cards put in sleeves immediately after pulled - Cash only Katy (SVI) $4 (sold) Grand tree ace spec (SCR) $2 Prime catcher ace spec(PRE) $5 Wigglytuff (151) $1 Morty’s conviction (TEF) $4 Lycanroc ex (PAL) $1 Garganacl (SCR) $1 Bronzor (TEF) $20 Pawmot (OBF) $1 Grimmsnarl Vmax (DA) $3 Decidueye (OBF) $2 Terapagos gold ex (PRE) $35 Nidoking IR (151) $18 (sold) Alakazam FA (151) $25 (sold) Squirtle IR (151) $80 Switch (151) $5 Basic energy (151) $8 Golem EX (151) $2 Ninetales EX(151) $2 Charizard EX(151) $10 Alakazam EX (151) $2

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