Rare Cat grass for sale. It's great for your cats in this season! **Benefits of Cat Grass:** * **Aids in Digestion:** Cat grass can help cats with digestion by providing fiber, which can help move hairballs and other indigestible materials through their digestive tract. * **Provides Essential Nutrients:** Cat grass contains vitamins A, D, E, and K, as well as folic acid, which can contribute to overall health and well-being. * **Soothes Upset Stomachs:** Some cats may eat grass to soothe an upset stomach or to help expel hairballs. * **Mental Stimulation:** Chewing on cat grass can provide mental stimulation and stress relief for your feline friend. * **Fresh Breath:** The chlorophyll in cat grass can help freshen your cat's breath. By providing your cat with access to fresh cat grass, you can help them maintain a healthy digestive system and overall well-being. Pot size 4 inches width 3 inches tall(see the photo) 1 for $3, and 4 for $10 Contactless pick up in Parkdale
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