This collectible character figurines from Royal Doulton is a must-have for any collector. Crafted with intricate details, these figurines captures the essence of the brand's signature style. Made with high-quality materials, it is built to last and will make a great addition to any decorative collection. Perfect for display on a mantle or in a curio cabinet, these character figurines is sure to impress. Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting out, these Royal Doulton figurines are timeless pieces that you'll cherish for years to come. Also selling the curio cabinets They range from $50.00 To $150.00 As of July 13th I will be having a garage sale at 1 Farnsworth Dr. Toronto come and see there are plenty of Royal Dalton's. there. Maybe there'll be one that you would like to have hope to see you there.