Huge bundle of coloured pencils. Includes Prismacolor Scholar pencils, Artist's Loft watercolour pencils, and various other brands. Many pencils, great for artists or students. Some pencils are new, others used. ~ Would love to see these go to an art teacher! This is a rather sentimental collection and I very much want to see it find a home where it will go to good use! ~ $200 for the entire collection, or if you would like a specific brand, or collection we can make a price. ~ I have out of circulation pencil crayons from some brands, vintage Laurentien Erasable pencil crayons and one double ended Laurentien! Also other older brands. Lots of crayola including out of circulation and in circulation, water colours and regular pencil crayons. Some like new, some had previous owners. A big collection of staedtler including water colour and regular and the staples line. I’ve got a set of MeToWe pencil crayons! Chalk pencil crayons from the Generals brand. Artist loft water color and regular. Two sets of Prisma Color Scholar, one is well used in the original package and the other is like new in a pencil case. The used one was well loved when I was in high school, the like new traveled with me across Canada a few years back! :) ~ Brands include: Prisma Color Scholar Generals Eparon Grafix School Smart #Sketchit Solabela Hilroy Crayola Artists loft Staedtler Berol Canadiana Native Elements MeToWe ColorFactory Laurentien Prang Color Club Rainbow Dixon Color Factory ~ If you have Classic Laurentien pencil crayons and would like to trade, we can come up with a deal. ~ Prefer Cash