
    Shakespeare 영어 셰익스피어 책

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    I'm willing to make a deal if you buy several books. OXFORD WORLD'S CLASSICS (footnotes and intro essay) Hamlet ₩3,000 Much Ado ₩3,000 CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL (meant for classroom) Romeo & J ₩3,000 Ceasar ₩3,000 NO FEAR (original and modern English translation) Midsummer ₩3,000 Henry V ₩3,000 Taming Shrew ₩3,000 Tempest ₩3,000 SIGNET CLASSICS (footnotes and several essays) Hamlet ₩3,000 Midsummer ₩3,000 Merchant ₩3,000 Romeo & J ₩3,000 OTHER PUBLISHERS King Lear ₩5,000 Measure for Measure ₩10,000 Hamlet ₩2,000 Ceasar ₩3,000 (3 pages underlined) Merchant ₩3,000 (play only, two pages underlined) Merchant ₩3,000 (intro essay, footnotes) Romeo & J ₩1,000 (play only)

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