다문화 후원의날 일일호프
제주시청 농협광양지점 지하1층 입니다 오셔서 좋은일하시길요!!!
노형동·동네풍경·제주시청 농협광양지점 지하1층 입니다 오셔서 좋은일하시길요!!!
노형동·동네풍경·노형근린공원에서노래하고사람들이있는데 뭐하는건지아시는분은알려주세요
노형동·동네풍경·내일 서귀포로 카라반을가는데 비오면 바베큐를못해서용 ㅠ 혹시 비올것같나요 내일
노형동·동네풍경·아직 서우봉에 코스모스 많은가요? #함덕 #서우봉 #코스모스
노형동·동네풍경·이미 다 떨어졌을까요?
노형동·동네풍경·오늘 모처럼 제주 북쪽 해안가에 고깃배 불빛이 많이 보이는데 무슨 어종을 잡는 배들인가요? 갈치잡이 어선들인가요?
노형동·동네풍경·지금 달 보이는 분 계세요? 도내 달 보이는 동네 있을까요? 세화쪽에선 뿌옇게 희미하게 밝을 뿐 모든 하늘이 구름이네요
노형동·동네풍경·점심먹다 밖에 보고 있는데... 한라대 학생인지 횡단보도 신호등 기다리고 있는 중에... 한 손에는 전담들고 침 한번 찍 뱉고 건너가네요... 그런데...다음 신호 기다리는 학생의 긴 청바지 밑단이...그 침을 찐하게 쓸고 갑니다... 자기 집 마루바닥도 쓸고 가겠죠?? 우리 엄마도 이래서 바지단 올리라고 그렇게 잔소리를 했나 싶네요. ㅎㅎ
노형동·동네풍경·야외날씨도좋아요 오세득쉐프 3시토크콘서트 고기국수 몸국 돼지달리기ㅋ 바베큐등등 오늘 6시까지랍니다
노형동·동네풍경·아 ...진짜 무섭고 잼있었어요
노형동·동네풍경·Thanks to Win Win Supporters Seogwipo for such a delightful evening of group ceramics and pottery. Arto Factory’s space is pleasantly full from top to bottom of ceramic pieces. Upon arrival I took a few minutes looked around before taking my seat at the table ladened with the tools and supplies we’d need. The artists took us through the plan and we were all happily surprised to hear that in addition to the Jeju platter we knew we’d be making, we also get to make a bowl or cup of our choice on the wheel. The lead artist explained and demonstrated to us each step for creating the platter in such a clear way that I could understand all of it. We gently flattened out our clay, and rolled it into shape. That’s when my turn came to sit at the wheel and make my chosen clover cup. The artist at the wheel was expert at ensuring I was actually making the cup but that my ineptitude at pottery wouldn’t show itself in the final result :) Once that was all spun, I flew back to my station and caught up to the masses. Using a stencil of the island, I cut out the shape of Jeju and then signed the bottom, folded up the edges and sponged out any imperfections. The instructor gave some recs about decorating the platters and from there we all did our own thing. On the way over I had been contemplating painting the magnificent clouds that had taken over the sky onto my platter, but in the end admitted that I have scant experience painting on ceramic sooooo my second idea prevailed. I gently etched Jeju’s topography onto the platter. Although it’s super inaccurate, I did in fact consult a topographic map on my phone :) i decided to forego painting each height span different colors and instead chose a cute green color for the whole piece. The other participants and instructor were very gracious about letting me use all the green on their pallets and filling up the green for me twice respectively. I’m hoping it turns out uniformly or nicely patchy but either way I can’t wait to go pick it and the cup up once they’ve been fired :) Many thanks to 서귀포시가족센터! It’s so lovely you have these nifty programs to support for the Formation of Social Network for Single-person Households! Very groovy! #서귀포시가족센터#서귀포시1인가구 #1인가구사회적관계망형성지원
노형동·동네풍경·I had the opportunity to explore Water World at Seogwipo’s World Stadium thanks to the Seogwipo Family Center:) I was a bit stressed on the drive over because I was running late but the moment I stepped into those shallow pools, all my worries washed away. I would really recommend visiting on a day you want to rest and relax but don’t want to stay home all day or go to a cafe. There were a few different pools with different things going on at each one, but through the relaxation I definitely got some giggling in hehehe. I recommend using a rain jacket so you can walk through the funky raining entryways. All in all, a great time. 10/10 Go Seogwipo Family Center! Their program for people in single family households is really magical, so thankful I got to be a part of it through my futsal team🥰Many more fabulous programs to come ⚽️🎉 #서귀포시가족센터#서귀포시1인가구 #1인가구사회적관계망형성지원
노형동·동네풍경·작업현장 하늘사진입니다~^^
노형동·동네풍경·금방 오랜만에 무지개를 보았습니다~~
노형동·동네풍경·지금 동홍.서홍동 날씨상황좀 알려주세요
노형동·동네풍경·최근에 다녀오신분 계실까요? 연꽃이 예쁘게 피었는지 가볼까 해서~~ 댓글부탁드립니다 😀
노형동·동네풍경·저번주 동네풍경입니다~~~
노형동·동네풍경·해안동 쪽 비가엄청왔어요 조심조심 운행하세요
노형동·동네풍경·오전일 마무리 후 한림에서 한컷
노형동·동네풍경·동네 풍경~~~~~
노형동·동네풍경·아침 출근하다가 신기한 구름모양이라 찍어봤어요~
노형동·동네풍경·날씨는 덥지만 당근 회원님들 파이팅 하세요!!!
노형동·동네풍경·요즘 월대천 수위 어떤가요?? 물놀이 하러 갈까 하는데 비가 안 와서 많이 얕은 건 아닌지 걱정이네요😃
노형동·동네풍경·산수국 닮았는데 꽃잎 모양이 달라요ㅜ 둥글게 조게껍떼기 처럼 말렸는데 이 꽃 이름이 뭘까요 ? 아시는분 계실까요?
노형동·동네풍경·수국이 피어있는곳 추천부탁드려요 내일 카멜리아힐가려고하는데 괜찮을까요?! #수국 #카멜리아힐
노형동·동네풍경·여름이 시작을 알리네요. 시내에서 가장 가까운 아름다운 자연 환경을 만끽하네요
노형동·동네풍경·요즘 건강에 최고라는 어싱(모래밭걷기).서핑.해안도로산책등 볼거리가 최고 이호테우해수욕장센터에있는 독채민박집에 그려진 작가그림~~지나는 길에 들려보세요
노형동·동네풍경·우럭회ㆍ멍게ㆍ해삼 나름 단골집 포장. 업장 직원덜 이상해.🙄 맛 없쓸거라 생각핫지만 역시 맛없다.😤 음식은 ..ㅈㅈ 사장님. 업장에 계셔라~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 내 생각.😮💨🤧🤧
노형동·동네풍경·발 가는데로~~~~~~~~~~