All are unread and sealed. Red Hood Arsenal issue# 2 SOLD Red Hood Arsenal issue# 6 SOLD Martian Manhunter issue# 1 -$10 Martian Manhunter issue# 2 -$5 Both - $10 Batman Eternal issue# 4 - SOLD Batman Eternal issue# 5 - SOLD Batman Eternal issue# 6 - SOLD Batman Beyond Issue# 1 - SOLD Batman Beyond Issue# 2 - SOLD Batman Beyond Issue# 3 - SOLD Convergence issue #0/8 -$10 Convergence issue #1/8 -$10 Convergence issue #4/8 -$5 Convergence issue #5/8 -$5 4 of them - $25 Lady Death issue #1 $15 Lady Death issue #2 $15 Both $25 The Path issue #13 $10 The Path issue #14 $10 The Path issue #15 $10 The Path issue #16 $10 The Path issue #17 $10 The Path issue #18 $10 6 for $50 True Believers Civil War #1 $20 True Believers Age of Ultron $20 True Believers The Infinity Gauntlet $15 Batman #47 (Harley’s Little Black Book) $25 Ask for pictures not up if needed! Open to Trade for MTG or Pokemon